Thursday, January 27, 2011

Health problems caused by obesity

Obesity is one of the growing health concerns in the UK. According to statistics, the number of overweight or obese people in the country has been increasing steadily for the past few decades and chances are fairly high that it will continue to rise in the next few years as well. While excess fat in the body looks unattractive and can have psychological impact on the individual concerned, it can also invite health conditions such as diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, heart problems, and certain types of cancer. You can dodge these risk factors by starting to eat healthy and exercise daily from today. Taking diet pills like Xenical Orlistat can also be a good choice if your doctor thinks so. But before you consider any obesity treatment, acquaint yourself with the most common risk factors for obesity.
  1. Diabetes mellitus – Statistics show that obese men are twice as likely to suffer from diabetes mellitus compared to normal-weight men. Obese women face the same risk four times more than normal-weight women. In diabetes mellitus, the cells in your body cannot use insulin to convert sugar into energy. So effectively, sugar remains in the bloodstream, causing weight gain. Some experts have pointed out that a protein called resistin (secreted by the adipose tissues) may also be involved with diabetes and obesity.
  2. Osteoarthritis – Excess body fat can put extra pressure on your bones and joints, which in turn, can cause osteoarthritis. If you have already undergone joint replacement therapy, complications might just stay that bit longer to create more trouble for you. Obesity and overweight conditions mainly affect weight-bearing joints in your knees. According to clinical trials, the incidence of osteoarthritis in obese or overweight people is 4-5 times more compared to normal-weight people.
  3. Heart problems – You may not be able to prevent heart problems if you are genetically predisposed to them, but you surely can avoid getting a stroke if you take care of your body weight. Cardiovascular problems are among the biggest and most fatal risk factors for obesity. Any obesity treatment regime takes into consideration the patient's medical history with regard to heart conditions. The main link between the 2 conditions is what you eat on a regular basis. Stopping by your favourite fast-food joint en route to home every alternate day does not augur well as far as fat intake is concerned. If you eat more fat than your body can burn, the excess amount is likely to get stored in the adipose tissues. Xenical is particularly effective in dealing with excess body fat. But you have to eat moderate amount of fatty foods to let orlistat work best for you.
  4. Cancer – Last but not the least, obesity can increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, kidney, esophagus, and colon. Some studies have also found out that obese people are more at risk of suffering from cancers of gallbladder, pancreas and ovaries, compared to their normal-weight counterparts.
If you decide to cut down on your body weight, it's better to talk to a doctor and discuss a long-term weight loss plan. Avoid taking slimming pills at random, because doing so may not give you the results you are looking for.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Genital Herpes - Risk Factors and Treatment

There are at least twenty five different types of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) found so far and chlamydia is reported to be the most common among them. Genital herpes comes 10th in the list of common STDs, preceded by HIV and followed by hepatitis. Despite the lower rank, this viral STD is among the most feared genital infections because it has no complete cure. Caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), herpes infection can be of 2 primary types – cold sores and genital herpes. Cold sores is generally caused by HSV-1 while genital herpes is transmitted mainly by HSV-2.

Herpes has always drawn a lot of medical attention, perhaps more than chlamydia or some of the other STDs, because of the interesting nature of the virus that causes it. The herpes simplex virus can be transmitted from one individual to another through sex or any kind of physical contact. The infection is very contagious and even safe sex does not fully guarantee prevention. Basically there are two major challenges when it comes to dealing with genital herpes. First, you can be unaware of the fact that you carry the virus in your body. Second, you can unknowingly transmit the virus to your partner at the time of sexual intimacy. The second concern is very real and can be difficult to prevent. You need not suffer from an active herpes outbreak to transmit the virus. Even when you do not have any visible symptoms of herpes, it is possible for the virus latent in the cell bodies to transmit to your partner.

The good news is that strong antiviral medications such as Valtrex and Famvir can give you relief from the immediate as well as long-term complications of genital herpes. Valtrex is the only proven drug to reduce the risk of herpes transmission between sexually active partners. Famvir, on the other hand, can help you fight recurrent herpes outbreaks quickly and without much pain.

The basic purpose of antiviral genital herpes treatment is to help patients live with the virus, for there is no way to cure herpes completely. Both Valtrex and Famvir can do it and do it well enough to earn the trust of many doctors worldwide. If your immune system is healthy and if you do not suffer from kidney problems, the once-daily Valtrex dose can make sure you don't suffer from recurrent herpes outbreaks. Similarly taking just 4 Famvir tablets (first 2 within 6 hours from an outbreak and the next 2 after 12 hours) can shorten the duration of genital herpes symptoms and give you fast relief. But to find out which medicine you should take, you have to talk to a doctor. Both drugs are available only on prescription.

More than 30,000 people had their first herpes attacks in 2009, according to statistics given by different GUM clinics in the UK. The rate at which genital herpes is spreading in the country is quite alarming and to pull the graph down, everyone should be aware of its dangers and risk factors and act on according to expert advice.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Smoking cessation timeline

Have you ever wondered what if you quit smoking now? How will your body react to the absence of nicotine? How will you feel mentally knowing that you have just had your last cigarette? Smoking cessation is not a trivial issue, as you would probably admit after making several failed attempts to quit smoking. But you may be amazed to know that with the passing of each tobacco-free moment after your last cigarette, your health will improve from good to better. Let's have a look at what you can expect after quitting.

After 20 minutes

You will feel the first benefit of quitting just 20 minutes after you had your last cigarette. Your blood pressure and pulse rate will become normal, so will your body temperature of hands and feet.

After 8 hours 
Had your last cigarette last night at bedtime? After a 8-hour sleep, you will feel better as carbon monoxide level in blood will come down to normal and oxygen level will increase to normal.

After a day

It's been 24 hours you haven't touched your pack of Marlboro or Winston and great news is awaiting you – your risk of getting a heart attack has lessened significantly.

After 2 days 
This is when you will be most likely to feel irritable and restless for nicotine. Known as nicotine withdrawal symptoms, people have to get through the toughest period a couple of days after they quit. By this time, your damaged nerve endings will start to regrow and your sense of smell and taste will be better than before.

Champix can be a good choice for you if you want to successfully cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This prescription medicine has varenicline tartrate as its active ingredient. It regulates the release of a chemical called dopamine in the brain and kills all the good feelings that you can relate back to smoking. The trick is to start taking Champix a week before you set your quit date. So a couple of days after you stop smoking, you may find it easy to overcome the withdrawal symptoms.

After 3 days 
The withdrawal symptoms may continue to increase and you may have to put up a fight with your mind and ego to justify the decision you took 3 days back. Having said that, you will be able to taste your favourite delicacies better and get relief from bad breath.

After 4 days 
More health benefits will come your way 4 days after you quit smoking. Your throat and lungs will start getting cleared from nicotine tars. Your body too will start getting detoxified, giving you a happy and healthy feeling. But you may still have to continue fighting with physical withdrawal symptoms such as constipation, headache and general discomfort.

After 2 weeks 
Now is the time to say that you have reached a stage where you do not have any physical reasons to start smoking again. Your energy level will rise drastically – you can take the stairs instead of lift without grasping for breath; you will be able to perform hard physical labour and your immunity will increase.

After months 
If you can stay tobacco-free for 3-6 months, your cravings for nicotine will slowly subside. Even an odd temptation to smoke at the office party or in a friend's place won't make you feel that you are dependent on nicotine.

First smoking cessation anniversary    
A year after you quit smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease will reduce considerably. Plenty of other benefits will also be there for you to appreciate and enjoy.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Female libido enhancer that works

Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is common to women of all ages, more so in surgically menopausal women. A hormone called testosterone controls the sexual hunger for both men and women and surgical removal of the ovaries can snap testosterone supply in the body. But the good news is that artificial patches can enhance a woman's libido and encourage her to explore her sexuality once again. Intrinsa patches are among the most sought after female libido enhancers available on the market at present. To improve female sex drive, these patches deliver a small amount of artificial testosterone straight to the bloodstream. There are no hassles involved with using them either. You just need to wear a patch for 2-3 days and get the results you are looking for.

More than just a 'patchy' solution to your sexual problems
Every Intrinsa patch contains 300mg of testosterone. Being a transdermal patch, the hormone goes straight to your blood and helps boost your libido. But note that artificial testosterone therapy is only helpful when the source of natural testosterone is removed by surgical or other means. Women with age-induced menopause won't get any benefit from Intrinsa patches.

You should use Intrinsa patches for a substantial period of time to get its benefits. Put on a patch on your lower abdomen or shoulders continuously for 2-3 days.

Is Intrinsa the female Viagra? 
The debate between Viagra and Intrinsa is not so relevant as it may appear to be. Viagra can help a man get and maintain harder and firmer erections. Intrinsa, on the other hand, can help a woman get sexually aroused, which in turn, may help her feel more stimulated and excited about sex. Testosterone patches can also treat problems such as painful orgasm.      

Safety and effectiveness 
Clinical trials have shown that 51% women who had menopause after surgical removal of their ovaries reported improved sexual performance and pleasure after using these testosterone patches. But be very clear that these patches won't boost your sexual desire if your menopause is natural.

Are there any side effects of Intrinsa? 
Intrinsa has testosterone, which is predominantly a male hormone. So by using it you can experience side effects such as change of voice, increased body hair and skin irritation. But do not panic. These side effects, should they occur, are usually short-lived and you can expect them to go away after the medicine is discontinued. In a nutshell, the benefits of testosterone patches outweigh their risk factors, which is why you can try them out to reclaim your libido.

Other probable causes of FSD 
Female sexual dysfunction can be caused by other factors also, including damaged blood vessels, endocrine gland problems and use of certain medicines. Using testosterone patches may not help when your low sex drive is caused by these factors.

Unpleasant early life experiences may make you less responsive to sexual stimulation. Relationship crises can also have a damaging effect on your attitude to sex. It can make your sex life drab and monotonous, which, in turn, can make you uninterested in sex.

Intrinsa patches are not suited for women with 65 years of age. If you are pregnant or nursing, talk to your doctor before using Intrinsa patches.

If you experience any problem after using these testosterone patches, talk to a doctor immediately.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Genital infections and their prevention

Both genital herpes and genital warts can make your life difficult. These sexually transmitted diseases are difficult to deal with and more importantly, are impossible to share with anyone other than your partner.

Genital warts is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) while the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is responsible for herpes. Both conditions require strong suppressive treatments. In case of herpes, you have the Valtrex tablets and the Famvir tablets. And for warts, you can rely on cryotherapy or a few other specific chemicals. But no treatment ensures that you will get rid of the viruses that cause them.

Herpes can catch you off-guard, so can warts
Most people do not even have a clue about an impending herpes or warts infection until the symptoms appear. Heavy stress or exposure to sunlight can trigger a herpes outbreak, while the warts virus may spring back to life after remaining latent inside the body for an indefinite period of time. Unsafe sexual practices, as in sex without a condom or other protective barrier, can cause both the viruses to transmit from one partner to another. 

Prevention is better than cure 
Genital warts is incurable, so is genital herpes. The moment the HPV or the HSV stealthily enters your body, you become a permanent carrier of these viruses. But is there anything you can do to prevent it from entering your body? You can. All you need is a little adjustment in your lifestyle and sexual behaviour. 

One partner 
Stick to a single sex partner to lower the risk of warts of herpes transmission. As with any other sexually transmitted diseases, the risk of genital warts or genital herpes increases with more than one partners in bed. Having a single sex partner helps prevent both female genital herpes as well as male genital herpes.

Safe sex practices 
Adopting safer sex practices is a must if you want to prevent transmission of genital warts or herpes. Wear latex condoms each time you have sex. Never have sex, or even engage in foreplay, with someone who has warts or is undergoing genital herpes treatment at the moment. Both viruses can be transmitted not just through penetration, but also through kissing or any type of skin-to-skin contact.

Better hygiene  
Are you very careful about maintaining a hygienic lifestyle in general? Attention to detail in matters of hygiene can prevent many health problems, particularly sexually transmitted infections. Although better hygiene alone does not totally eliminate the chance of genital herpes or warts, it surely lessens their prevalence. Always wear clothes that are well washed. Avoid tighter clothes around the genitals. Take regular bath and wash your genitals with soap. 

Abstain from sex 
This one can be a bit harsh to swallow! Many people do actually abstain from sexual activities altogether to eliminate the chance of getting infected with the SPV or the HSV. As these infections can spread through any type of person-to-person contact, sexual abstinence implies not just refraining from penetrative sex, but also from non-penetrative sexual activities such as cuddling and stroking the genitals. But this might not be your choice if you are already in an active sexual relationship. Besides, it is not worth denying yourself the pleasures of sex for fear of a disease. However, you must abstain from sex when either you or your partner have an active outbreak.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Early precautions to stop flu pandemics

Immediate treatment is the only effective way to prevent flu from becoming a pandemic. It has happened in the past, as in the 2009 swine flu pandemic and the 2004 bird flu attack, and it can happen again. Talking of early treatment and there is one drug most doctors trust for prevention and treatment of influenza. Tamiflu oseltamivir, the medicine which was sold in high numbers in the UK during the 2009 flu outbreak, can be the medicine of choice if you want to tackle the virus that caused swine influenza and a few other types of flu. Even better news is that you can buy Tamiflu online from the comfort of your home.

What is Tamiflu? How can it help prevent flu pandemics?

Marketed by Roche, Tamiflu is the trade name for an ingredient known as oseltamivir. It is the active ingredient of the medicine. The FDA approved Tamiflu in 1999. It was a significant event in the history of flu treatment because until then, there were 2 other antiviral medicines – amantadine and rimantadine – for controlling influenza A. But many variants of the flu virus had already become resistant to those two ingredients, which made oseltamivir the preferred choice of many doctors. And its effectiveness was proved beyond doubt when the 2009 flu pandemic broke out.
Tamiflu oseltamivir works in two ways – it protects you from catching flu and it treats flu when you are symptomatic. For prevention, you have to take the medicine as soon as you have a hunch that flu can attack you or if you met an infected person. And for treatment, you have to take Tamiflu within 48 hours from the appearance of flu symptoms. Some of the symptoms of flu can sometimes be confused with that of common cold. So it is very important to accurately recognize flu symptoms for fast and effective treatment. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • high fever
  • fatigue
  • headache and body aches
  • sore throat
  • dry cough
  • runny nose
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
Flu symptoms are generally more severe than common cold symptoms. Fever is usually very high with flu, accompanied by extreme tiredness and severe aches. You feel completely drained and this situation can last for up to 3 days.

What are the dosing options of Tamiflu?

Tamiflu capsules come in the strength 75mg. The recommended dosage for prevention of flu is 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days. When it comes to influenza treatment for adults, the recommended dosage is 1 capsule each day for 10 days. But always take the dosage as per your doctor's advice. Taking the medicine without food can increase the risk of an upset tummy, so a light meal is better than no meal.

What are the side effects?

Allergy is the most common side effect of Tamiflu. In case you are allergic to the active ingredient or any other ingredients, do not take the capsule and talk to your doctor immediately. The same goes with women who are pregnant or nursing. People with heart or kidney problems, or with breathing difficulties should talk to their doctors before using the medicine.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Initiate Weight Loss And Well Being Through Fat Blockers

In the UK, the number of obese people has doubled from the 1980s. But the way obesity rate is increasing now, it may not take more than two decades to go double any more. Currently, close to 8% people in the EU countries die prematurely from weight-related conditions. No wonder people have stopped to see obesity as a cosmetic problem and have become more serious about its long-term impacts on health. Various weight loss products and slimming pills are thronging the market and some of them are on a high as far as popularity is concerned. This is especially the case with fat blocker pills. But why are they so generously accepted by overweight or obese people? Let’s try to find an answer to this all-important question.

Fat blocker weight loss pills offer more than just slimming solutions

Fat blockers contain ingredients that help lose weight without affecting your brain or central nervous system. This is a major point which informed customers don’t miss out. Xenical orlistat restricts its working in the digestive system and hence does not cause side effects like appetite suppressants.

Fat blockers don’t ignore the importance of good old dietary nutrition

Unlike appetite suppressants, fat blockers don’t discourage you from eating a healthy, balanced diet. As some old school believers might tell you, a nutritious and satiating food cannot be replaced by mere medicines. As long as you eat a food that doesn’t contain more than 30% of fatty ingredients, you’re free to enjoy the palatable delights.

Fat blockers are not addictive

In the past, many people have become addicted to certain weight loss medications that work in the brain or central nervous system. Fat blockers don’t affect the brain and so you don’t have to worry about getting addicted to it.

A healthy and resistant body assured

No matter what type of weight loss regimen you’re on, your focus should be on living a healthy life. By allowing you to take good food at your will, fat blocking slimming pills help boost your natural resistance to diseases. This is one of the main reasons why many obese people prefer fat blockers to appetite suppressants or metabolism boosters.

Steady acting formula from the comfort of your place

Let’s be reasonable on this point. No weight loss pills can trim down 30 pounds in 30 days! But what a good fat blocker pill can do is ensure you lose 2 pounds in a week. This is a good bargain especially when you don’t have the time for physical activities like walking, running, cycling, swimming, or dancing. But remember that regular exercising is a must if you want to lose extra weight permanently.

Less side effects

Fat blocker pills cause less side effects than other slimming pills. You may experience diarrhoea, abdominal pain, gas or oily spotting, but they usually go away once your body adjusts to the medication or you stop taking the pill. Most people develop resistance to side effects in two weeks but if you experience persistent and bothersome effects, you must contact a doctor.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Viagra - The impotence pill to spice up your sex life

Impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED), a commonly hovering sexual problem for most of the men, is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain erection during sexual intercourse. This sexual problem is said to be faced by all men at least once in their life time which often creates problems for them. ED often is a result of damage in the nerves, tissues, arteries or muscles in the penis or even certain health issues such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and neurological disease. Many men ignore this problem unaware of the fact that erectile dysfunction treatment is available which can help them improve their sex life.

How to treat ED?

ED, apart from the above mentioned physical causes, can also be a result of psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, difficulties in relationship, and depression. For such psychological causes, you are usually recommended counselling or sex therapy along with prescription medications such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.


Viagra is one of the most popular erectile dysfunction treatment available on the market which has helped thousands improve their sex life. This tablet has sildenafil as the active ingredient present in it which helps increase the blood flow in the penis and achieve or maintain erection during sexual activity. One tablet should be taken at a time at least before 30-60 minutes, the effect of which lasts for 4-5 hours. This tablet can be taken by men who are above 18 and face the problem of ED; but should be avoided by men with the following health conditions:
  • Severe heart disease / failure
  • Recent heart attack / stroke
  • Low blood pressure
  • Severe liver dysfunction
Some men may suffer from side effects of Viagra such as headaches, facial flushing, upset stomach, stuffy nose, abnormal / blurred vision, and dizziness.

For most men, the situation is quite embarrassing and keep avoiding to check out with a doctor or buy this impotence pill. But you can also buy Viagra
sildenafil online to avoid all this embarrassment and face to face consultation with your local doctor.

Male pattern baldness – FAQs

The most common type of male hair loss is known as male pattern baldness; as the term suggests, this type of baldness follows a typical pattern. Your hairline starts to recede first, followed by gradual thinning of hair on the crown. Eventually the receding hairline meets the crown, leaving a thin covering of hair on either side of the head. Go through the following FAQs section to find out more about male pattern hair loss.

What causes male pattern baldness?

It is caused by hormonal and genetic factors. Testosterone, a natural hormone in males, is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase. DHT acts on the hair follicles with detrimental results on hair production and growth.

You may also go bald because of genetic factors. Research has indicated that a certain gene variation can cause pattern hair loss in men. You can inherit the gene either from your mother's side or from your father's side.

Who are most likely to be affected by male pattern hair loss?

This type of hair fall can affect any man regardless of age, race or ethnicity. You can experience the symptoms in your early teens or twenties if the testosterone stock in your body gets depleted because of higher levels of 5-alpha reductase, or if anyone in your family has had the problem before.

Does it require treatment?

Male pattern baldness is not a medical condition it itself as it does not cause any harm to your health. So whether or not you should go for treatments is entirely up to you. But if you are a young man with symptoms of pattern hair loss, you may wish to seek medical help to gain social acceptance. 

How can male pattern baldness be treated?

Even though there is no known cure for male pattern baldness, you can try finasteride to prevent hair loss. Branded under the trade name Propecia, this FDA-approved drug can prevent the harmful impact of DHT on hair follicles and keep the follicles working normally for production and growth of hair. Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase blocker which prevents DHT from coming in direct contact with the follicles. So the follicles remain alive and capable of producing new hair.

What are the side effects of finasteride?

The most common side effects of finasteride are rashes and itching. Only a small percentage of men using Propecia have reported sexual problems, including low libido, erection problems and low semen volume. Talk to your doctor immediately if any of these problems occurs after using the medicine.

How can I take care of my hair on a regular basis?

Male pattern baldness or atypical hair loss, your hair is bound to come off someday. But while it is there, you need to be careful not to cause damage to your hair. Do not pin your hair or use spiky accessories for cosmetic needs. Wash your hair regularly with well blended shampoos or other haircare products. Do not use blow dryers excessively. While combing your hair, use soft brushes to prevent damage to the scalp.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Genital herpes treatment with Valtrex and Famvir

Once you are diagnosed with genital herpes, you know for certain that the herpes simplex virus is there to stay with you for the rest of your life. You may not have to suffer from outbreaks every now and then, given that you can manage your stress levels better and lead a healthy life in general, but the chance of you suffering from an active outbreak remains alive all the same. The very knowledge of this threat can be creepy and unsettling.

Sadly no genital herpes treatment can kill the simplex virus once it's inside the body. The existing antiviral treatments can only suppress the virus and give you quick relief from the painful genital herpes symptoms. Turns out, you do not have to feel scared about this infection should you ever catch it. This is because antiviral medications can reduce the pain of herpes and may also keep the virus ineffective for long enough to help you lead a normal, worry free life.

Getting through the initial phase

Getting through the primary phase of an active herpes outbreak is usually very painful and you should be very careful not to transmit the virus to your sex partner. What usually starts with itching and mild pain can develop into raw sores within a couple of hours or days. The sores may appear on the penis, vagina, or scrotum and leave you in severe discomfort. Urination can be painful and women may experience vaginal discharge during the initial stage of a full-blown herpes outbreak.

Medicines as fast-acting and long-lasting solutions

Valtrex and Famvir are the two most commonly prescribed medicines for herpes treatment. Valtrex is the choicest medicine when it comes to getting quick relief from the symptoms. You have the prescribed dosage of Valtrex as soon as you experience the early warning signs of this genital infection. This medicine is also capable of preventing herpes transmission through sexual contact. But you must engage in safe sex practices to ensure that.

Doctors recommend Famvir mostly when the patient is about to suffer from recurrent herpes outbreaks. If taken within 6 hours from the early signs of a full-blown herpes attack, Famvir can prevent the itches from turning into raw sores. You can also use Famvir as a long-lasting solution to prevent herpes recurrences. All you need to do is keep an extra pack ready to hand. It will help you begin treatment immediately after you feel an outbreak is coming on.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Intrinsa patches - Solution for your troubled sex life

Many women suffer from female sexual dysfunction (FSD) at some point of time in their life. It can affect women of all ages. But it may be more prevalent during menopausal transition and other factors causing hormonal changes. It includes a broad range of problems and symptoms, some of which are mentioned below.

Symptoms of FSD

The major symptoms of FSD are as follows:
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Inability to become aroused
  • Lack of orgasm, or sexual climax
  • Painful intercourse
Causes of FSD

The causes of FSD include three major categories; physical, psychological, and hormonal.

The physical factors responsible for FSD are as follows:
  • High blood pressure or diabetes
  • Infections and growths in vaginal area
  • Reactions to contraceptive devices
  • Medications for treatment of high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, depression or anxiety and cancer
The psychological factors that can bring about FSD are as follows:
  • Inadequate or ineffective foreplay
  • Depression
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Sexual abuse or incest
  • Feelings of shame or guilt about sex
  • Fear of pregnancy
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Hormonal factors that affect sexual dysfunction in women are as follows:
  • Lower oestrogen
  • Childbirth
  • Breast-feeding
Treatment for FSD

Intrinsa testosterone patches are the latest female libido enhancers available for FSD. These patches have shown to help women enjoy their sex life in a more satisfying manner.

Women suffering from the following conditions should avoid using Intrinsa patches:
  • Breast cancer / cancer stimulated by female hormone oestrogen
  • Pregnant / breast-feeding women
  • Menopausal
How to use the patch?

The patch is to be attached to your lower abdomen, just below your waist. It is to be attached for 3 to 4 days at a time. This increases your sex drive and allows you to enjoy more satisfying sex.

Side effects of testosterone patches

These female libido enhancers have certain side effects which are as follows:
  • Skin irritation where the patch is applied
  • Acne
  • Excessive facial hair growth
  • Voice deepening
  • Migraine
  • Breast pain
  • Weight gain
You can consult your doctor regarding these side effects and the suitability of patches for you.