Both genital herpes and genital warts can make your life difficult. These sexually transmitted diseases are difficult to deal with and more importantly, are impossible to share with anyone other than your partner.
Genital warts is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) while the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is responsible for herpes. Both conditions require strong suppressive treatments. In case of herpes, you have the Valtrex tablets and the Famvir tablets. And for warts, you can rely on cryotherapy or a few other specific chemicals. But no treatment ensures that you will get rid of the viruses that cause them.
Herpes can catch you off-guard, so can warts
Most people do not even have a clue about an impending herpes or warts infection until the symptoms appear. Heavy stress or exposure to sunlight can trigger a herpes outbreak, while the warts virus may spring back to life after remaining latent inside the body for an indefinite period of time. Unsafe sexual practices, as in sex without a condom or other protective barrier, can cause both the viruses to transmit from one partner to another.
Prevention is better than cure
Genital warts is incurable, so is genital herpes. The moment the HPV or the HSV stealthily enters your body, you become a permanent carrier of these viruses. But is there anything you can do to prevent it from entering your body? You can. All you need is a little adjustment in your lifestyle and sexual behaviour.
One partner
Stick to a single sex partner to lower the risk of warts of herpes transmission. As with any other sexually transmitted diseases, the risk of genital warts or genital herpes increases with more than one partners in bed. Having a single sex partner helps prevent both female genital herpes as well as male genital herpes.
Safe sex practices
Adopting safer sex practices is a must if you want to prevent transmission of genital warts or herpes. Wear latex condoms each time you have sex. Never have sex, or even engage in foreplay, with someone who has warts or is undergoing genital herpes treatment at the moment. Both viruses can be transmitted not just through penetration, but also through kissing or any type of skin-to-skin contact.
Better hygiene
Are you very careful about maintaining a hygienic lifestyle in general? Attention to detail in matters of hygiene can prevent many health problems, particularly sexually transmitted infections. Although better hygiene alone does not totally eliminate the chance of genital herpes or warts, it surely lessens their prevalence. Always wear clothes that are well washed. Avoid tighter clothes around the genitals. Take regular bath and wash your genitals with soap.
Abstain from sex
This one can be a bit harsh to swallow! Many people do actually abstain from sexual activities altogether to eliminate the chance of getting infected with the SPV or the HSV. As these infections can spread through any type of person-to-person contact, sexual abstinence implies not just refraining from penetrative sex, but also from non-penetrative sexual activities such as cuddling and stroking the genitals. But this might not be your choice if you are already in an active sexual relationship. Besides, it is not worth denying yourself the pleasures of sex for fear of a disease. However, you must abstain from sex when either you or your partner have an active outbreak.
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