Thursday, December 30, 2010

Use testosterone patches, defeat FSD

Has your sexual desire gone down? Are you avoiding sexual intimacy with your partner because you find intercourse painful? Watch out, for you may have fallen 'victim' to female sexual dysfunction (FSD). It is a genuine health problem which affects many women, particularly those who have their ovaries surgically removed. The early signs of FSD may be rooted in hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), a female sexual health condition which is exclusively linked with low libido. This article discusses both these conditions and their treatment with testosterone patches – the much acclaimed female libido enhancer.


FSD is when sex becomes a chore for you. To begin with, you do not find any exciting reason to go to bed with your partner. Then you may struggle to reach climax and on top that, intercourse may give you more pain than pleasure. On the other hand, HSDD is when you suffer from lack of desire to have sex.

Causes of FSD

Certain physical or psychological factors may cause female sexual dysfunction. In case you had bitter sexual encounters early in your life, you may become less interested in sex, or worse, can repel at the thought of having sex, which may manifest through HSDD. It has been established that there is a connection between sexual assault in childhood and decreased libido in adulthood. Problems in a relationship can cause you to become sexually impassive. Many women suffering from clinical FSD complain about relationship problems as the main culprit behind their low libido.

The most obvious factor behind female sexual dysfunction is physical and can be treated effectively. It is related to reduced production of a naturally occurring sex hormone in your body, testosterone. This hormone is responsible for arousing your desires. But its production can drop as you age, causing you to think differently about sex and act in a less responsive manner to sexual arousal. Surgical removal of the ovaries is one of the main reasons behind FSD in young women. Removal of the ovaries can deplete the production of testosterone, disturbing the natural hormonal balance in a woman's body. Under such circumstances, you may need hormonal treatments to compensate for low testosterone levels in your body.

Other physical causes may include damaged blood vessels, endocrine gland problems and use of certain medicines.

When you are not in the mood to have sex just because you are too tired, you are not suffering from FSD. Similarly, depression, guilt and many other psychological factors can sometimes make you feel that you are just not into sex. It is normal for nearly all women to go through such phases in life from time to time. But when the problem lingers for too long, it may be time to talk to your doctor and seek medical help.

Intrinsa patch

Hormonal treatment of female sexual dysfunction is currently dominated by
Intrinsa patch, which has  made a tremendous impact on the lives of thousands of women. An Intrinsa patch can supply artificial version of testosterone to your body to boost your desire for sex. All you have to do is to stick this patch on a dry surface of your skin for 3-4 days at a stretch and forget about the rest. You can talk to your doctor today to consider buying a starter pack which you can use for a month.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Losing your hair - We have a solution

Male pattern hair loss is quite common among adult men. It refers to thinning of hair which loosens on the scalp and eventually falls out.  Male pattern baldness is different from normal hair loss as the hair falls out permanently in this condition. But it can be treated through prescription medication like Propecia.

Hair loss is usually caused by following factors:
  • Ageing
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Illness and infectious disease
  • Nervous disorders
  • Toxic substances
  • Injury and impairment

Propecia (finasteride) is an effective prescription medicine for treating male pattern hair loss. It blocks an enzyme, 5-alpha-reductase, which causes hair loss. A single pill is taken every day to combat hair loss. It also stimulates new hair growth and is a treatment for men above 18 years of age.

Men who suffer from the following conditions should avoid taking this pill:
  • Liver disease / abnormal liver enzyme test
  • Prostrate cancer
  • Bladder muscle disorder
  • Stricture of urethra
  • Unable to urinate because of infection
As a side effect, you may suffer from temporary impotence or loss of sex drive.


It is the active ingredient in Propecia. It prevents conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes hair loss. It slows down hair loss and also helps in new hair growth.


Only 1 mg finasteride tablet should be taken everyday and at the same time. On forgetting the dosage it should be taken as soon as you remember. But an over dosage may lead to side effects.

It should be taken with a glass of water, either with or without food.

If any unusual or painful side effects are experienced, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Buying the pill

You can buy Propecia online from a registered website. Buying the pill online can be a convenient option for you as it saves time and face to face consultation with your local doctor.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Viagra for gay men?

Viagra has made erectile dysfunction treatment hassle free and effective. The blue pill has already helped, and is still helping, many straight men with erectile dysfunction enjoy a normal and healthy sex life. But just in case your sexual orientation is not straight, here is a warning for you: do not take this pill while having sex with a male partner. A recent study has concluded that gay men are at increased risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV-AIDS, when they use Viagra. The risk multiplies when you take Viagra with other illegal drugs such as poppers or ecstasy.

The survey, conducted at an STD clinic in San Francisco, further highlighted that gay men are more likely to engage in unprotected anal sex than their straight counterparts. It can increase the risk of HIV and other STD transmission. Besides, many gay men frequently change their sexual partners without inquiring about their HIV status. So despite being HIV-negative you can still contract HIV if the man you have recently had sex with is HIV-positive.

Another reason for you to not take a Viagra pill before you get hooked up in bed with a guy is that the Pfizer tablet can increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks, especially when taken with other performance enhancing drugs. But still if you want to take Viagra, make absolutely sure that you stay away from poppers or ecstasy.

Another alarming finding was that majority of the gay men who used Viagra had obtained the drug from their friends or casual acquaintances. This is against the regulation issued by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA approved Viagra only as a prescription medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. So you should always be having a valid prescription issued by a registered doctor before buying Viagra online or from your local drugstore.

Essentials About Contraceptive Pills

We all know what emergency contraceptive pills are. But do these pills live up to the expectations? How do they work to prevent unwanted pregnancy? These are some of the key questions you may want to ask and feel reassured before you go ahead and buy the right pill for you. Once you finish reading this article, you will have enough credible information to feel confident about using emergency contraceptives.

What is emergency contraception? When do I need it? 

Put simply, emergency contraception is a pregnancy prevention method in emergency. It may so happen that you forgot to take your regular birth control pill the last time you had sex. Or worst, the condom got torn in the middle of sex and your partner ejaculated inside you. These are the times when you might need to pop up emergency birth control pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Are there any other emergency contraception methods?
An intrauterine device (IUD) can be used as an alternative to EC pills. You can use an IUD up to 5 days from unprotected sex. The effectiveness of this contraception method is same as that of EC pills.

What can I use to feel safe about preventing pregnancy?
If you want to go by the success rate of different emergency contraception methods, pills are still the safest bet. It is estimated that women using ulipristal acetate (which is sold under the trade name ellaOne) or levonorgestrel (Levonelle One Step) have reported satisfactory results as far as pregnancy prevention is concerned. The effectiveness of ellaOne is a whopping 98%, which means that 98 out of 100 women taking this pill within 120 hours from unprotected sexual intercourse can prevent unwanted pregnancy. The numbers also speak in favour of Levonelle. This pill can successfully prevent pregnancy in 85 out of 100 women taking it within 72 hours from unprotected sexual intercourse.

Do I need to use any barrier method with emergency contraception?

After taking hormonal contraceptives such as ellaOne or Levonelle, you should always use barrier methods for any subsequent sexual activities till the start of the next menstrual cycle.

Can EC pills affect my menstrual cycle?
Yes. If your next menstrual cycle gets delayed by more than a week, or if you experience unusual bleeding or any other physical discomfort, talk to your healthcare provider and get a pregnancy test done.

Can I buy ellaOne or Levonelle online?
Yes. Both the pills are available online. To buy ellaOne online, you need to visit a website that sells these types of drugs. Then you can place your order following online consultation with a doctor. You may be asked to provide details of your current health conditions, if any. Then you will be prescribed ellaOne with dosing and other necessary safety information. You need to follow the same process while buying Levonelle. The best part about buying drugs online is that it is 100% confidential. But to ensure confidentiality, you must choose a registered online clinic in the UK.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What do I do to get Cialis online?

Want to buy Cialis online? You need to ensure that you have come to a certified online clinic. That's the first and most critical step to avoid drug counterfeiters. As Cialis is becoming more and more popular, many men with erectile dysfunction are going online to buy this medicine. Online availability of tadalafil has ensured a couple of things – you can make the purchase discreetly from the comfort of your home, and you can save yourself time. You can get the medicine with just a few clicks. But take note of the following points before you buy.

Useful tips for online purchase
Everything about the virtual world is not as convenient as you may think. There are numerous fake websites that claim to sell genuine tadalafil with the right dosing options, but all they sell are counterfeit drugs containing very little or no active ingredient. They misguide and fool the customers by churning out pills that resemble the original yellow tabs.

When you are making any kind of online purchase, check out if:
  • the website has a valid and verifiable street address and contact number
  • it is a registered online clinic
  • it is selling the medicine without prescription, sometimes at a rate which is too good to be true
Any registered online clinic will have valid contact details. Also, they won't sell Cialis without prescription because it is approved by the FDA only as a prescription medicine to treat impotence.

Safety checklist while buying Cialis online – Dosage
Also take a hard look at the doses of tadalafil. Genuine tadalafil comes in 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg. But a counterfeit version of this drug may come in less or more dosing strengths, which can be dangerous for you.

Getting the medicine online
To get Cialis online, all you need to do is fill up a consultation form which a qualified doctor will review and based on that, you will get a prescription issued. Then you can place the order and get the medicine right at your doorstep swiftly and discreetly.

Emergency Contraceptive Pills Available Online

Should there be any mishap in your regular contraception, you may become pregnant. To avoid an unwanted pregnancy you can try emergency contraceptive pills. The good news is that you do not have to sneakily go to your neighbourhood clinic to buy EC pills such as ellaOne or Levonelle. Now you can buy emergency birth control pills online from the convenience of your home.

Tips for buying ellaOne online

ellaOne (ulipristal acetate) is one of the leading emergency birth control pills available on the UK market today. Its popularity owes a lot to its effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancies after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. To buy ellaOne from the comfort of your home you need to find an online clinic with valid registration and street address. There you can place your order following medical consultation with an online doctor who will decide if you are eligible to take ellaOne.

Make sure you order the emergency contraceptive pill from a genuine online drug source. Using counterfeit drugs for contraception can be disastrous for you. Do not get fooled by tall claims made by many fake websites. 

Levonelle online 

Levonelle is not too far behind ellaOne as far as popularity is concerned. It enjoys a decent success rate of 85% and unlike ellaOne, it needs to be taken within 72 hours from unprotected sexual intercourse. It is a rather conventional birth control pill which young women like to take in emergency. Even though it is not clearly understood how this drug works to prevent pregnancy, its sell has been phenomenal in the UK and elsewhere in the world. It will be a smart choice if you buy the One Step EC pill online. Follow the same guideline while buying Levonelle online.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Make weight loss easier with Xenical

Unlike certain health conditions that are caused by genetic and environmental factors typical to particular ethnic groups or races, obesity has spread across the globe. If you look at the global fact sheets about obesity, you will find out how the human population has been steadily putting on excess fat. In the UK, nearly 46% men and 32% women are overweight. If you shift your focus to the US, the facts about weight are literally 'heavy'. As of 2007, it was estimated that nearly three-fourth of the total adult population in the US were overweight or obese. In Asian countries, the average calorie intake per person is low compared to Europe and America.

How do I get Xenical?

If you are an European looking for obesity treatment, you can buy Xenical online. It is a prescription pill which comes in the strength of 120mg. Unlike other weight loss pills, Xenical orlistat targets the food that you eat daily and eliminate one-third of the fat it contains.

Why is Xenical so popular worldwide? 
Xenical is sold worldwide. The reason behind such widespread popularity of this medicine is that it can be taken by overweight or obese people with other health conditions, including thyroid. Your doctor is to decide on the correct dosing schedule of Xenical under all circumstances. Let your doctor or GP know whether or not you are currently on any other medication.

How does the slimming pill work?

Xenical is a fat blocking pill. It means that orlistat, the active ingredient of the drug, binds to certain enzymes that help digest dietary fat. As a result of this, a part of the fat that comes from food does not break down and passes off from the system undigested. So effectively, the medicine does not curb your freedom to eat, given that you eat a moderate amount of fat. Discarding fat totally may reduce your energy levels and result in deficiency of essential fatty acids, which is not what you want as far as healthy living is concerned. 

How does Xenical help in weight loss?

Xenical not only prevents weight gain, but also initiates weight loss when you take it over a period of time. As your body dispenses with the extra fat, it starts using up the fat reserves. So you are going to lose weight in time. 

How is Xenical different from other diet pills?

Unlike other slimming pills and supplements, orlistat does not discourage you to eat. It does not undermine the importance of physical exercise either. The key point about Xenical is that it lets you choose a healthy and achievable weight loss goal.

How do I set my weight loss goals with Xenical?

Setting an achievable weight loss goal is important when you are using orlistat. Raising the bar too high can lead to disappointing results. Losing 5-10% of your body weight is usually safe and healthy. It is estimated that most of the weight-related problems subside when obese or overweight people using Xenical lose 5-10% weight in about 3 months.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

4 tips to last longer in bed

It is not easy to find an all-cure for premature ejaculation. Each man is different and has different physical responses to sexual arousal. If you are coming too early inside your woman, it is advisable that you should find out specific causes of your problem. If you can figure out the causes, the following 4 tips may be useful for you to keep her up all night!

Try to please her and not yourself

Many men get carried away by the pleasure they get during sex and forget about their role as lovers. While having sex with your woman, focus on giving her pleasure. If you do that, you can hold on to your ejaculation long enough to see her through until she climaxes. Another plus factor is that when you are intent on giving pleasure to your woman, you train your senses to think differently during sex. You can take your mind off of your own orgasm, which helps enormously in delaying the point of no return.

Always try different positions

Change is the only constant they say and so it goes for sex. When you and your partner get used to a particular sex position, go for another one which you haven't tried so far. It will help you last longer than before. Having your partner switch places with you can be another way of getting a different sensation and being able to delay ejaculation. But be very careful not to try a position which is not comfortable for either of you.

Talk a lot during sex

Sex can be real fun when you talk as you 'do' it. As you talk, you become oblivious to the time you spend together and voila, that's the trick to last long!

Medical help

Premature ejaculation cure is no longer an impossible target to achieve with Priligy dapoxetine. This selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor pill has become very popular in the UK, among men who want to enhance their performance in bed. Talk to your doctor to find out more about medical help to treat premature ejaculation.