Thursday, April 21, 2011

Herpes - Hard-to-swallow facts

In the UK, 70% of the total population have oral herpes and 10% have genital herpes. About three quarters of them don't know that they have herpes. In most cases, herpes remains asymptomatic for days, months, or even years after infection. According to a study, about 1 in 4 has no symptoms of herpes, 2 in 4 may have mild symptoms but are unlikely to be diagnosed, and1 in 4 is likely to be diagnosed with noticeable symptoms.


Herpes is a viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV-1 is the type of herpes simplex virus that causes oral herpes and its symptoms are cold sores and fever blisters around the mouth. Genital herpes is a disease that is caused by HSV-2, which affects the area around the genitals and anus. It appears as itching, burning, painful blisters, and redness around the skin. Genital herpes is basically transmitted by skin-to-skin contact.

Herpes and immune system

Herpes can affect the immune system by weakening it and making you more vulnerable to other diseases and infections. The immune system doesn't remain as active to fight off other diseases, as it gets busy fighting off herpes simplex virus. When the virus attacks the immune system, you get an outbreak of symptoms, but when your immune system fights back, you get less severe or no outbreaks. So, in order to prevent outbreak of symptoms, you need to have a strong immune system.

How can I prevent an outbreak of symptoms?

Once infected, no medication can cure herpes, but its symptoms can be controlled and treated using medications. Adopting simple lifestyle and dietary changes can also help decrease the frequency, length, and severity of outbreaks. Herpes simplex virus is an opportunistic virus and attacks when the immune system is weak. But if you have a healthy immune system, the chances of future outbreaks are significantly reduced. Following are some of the areas that people need to pay attention in order to strengthen the immune system and stay healthy:

Stress – It is one the most common triggers of outbreaks in people with herpes. Stress affects the immunity system and makes you susceptible to infections and other diseases. In fact, stress can account for about 70% of all illnesses and diseases. So, you need to work on management of your stress in order to control future outbreaks.

Diet – People with herpes need to pay attention to their diets as some foods contain high amounts of arginine that can aggravate the outbreak of symptoms. Also, if your body is not getting enough nutrients, it can take a toll on your immune system. Some of the factors that can also impair your immune system are obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, high cholesterol, and sugar consumption.

Exercise – Studies have shown that with just 30 minutes of regular aerobic exercise, immunity gets a boost.

Herpes treatment

Antiviral prescription medications are approved for genital herpes treatment. Valtrex and Famvir are two antiviral medications that can give relief from the painful symptoms of herpes and at the same time, can also prevent the spread of the virus. Valtrex can be taken for 1 to 2 days for cold sores treatment. Famvir tablets can also be used for cold sores and zoster treatment.

What you should know about influenza virus

Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. Influenza A, B, and Care the three types of viruses that cause this epidemic disease. Type A influenza is considered to be the most dangerous as it can cause large epidemic. The virus infects lungs and upper respiratory system, causing fever, body aches, and pain. The onset of flu also causes loss in appetite, nausea, and dry cough. These symptoms may last for a week, and you may need to stay in bed until they are gone.

Influenza is a very common illness that affects many people every year, usually during winter months. As  an infected person coughs or sneezes, the flu virus gets transmitted through small droplets of saliva. When a healthy person gets infected by  flu virus, he or she starts to show symptoms within one to four days. Flu can also spread through touching common surfaces such as door handles and other items that have been handled by an infected person.

Influenza virus

Type A influenza virus mostly affects animals and birds. They can also cause damage to human population. Type B and C influenza viruses are not dangerous and show only mild symptoms in human beings. Influenza type A and B viruses include strains, and these strains are different from the original virus, but retain some of its characteristics. Flu caused by one strain does not give full immunity to other strains, as the virus is constantly changing through a process called antigenic drift. This is the reason a different vaccine is needed every year to help prevent flu.

Influenza symptoms

Apart from fever, body aches, and pain, the other symptoms of flu are headaches, tiredness, sore throat, runny nose, weakness, and diarrhoea. Although flu lasts for a week or less, the main course of symptoms may get over in three days. But after that cough or sever weakness may continue for a few more days. Infected people can spread the flu virus even a day before the symptoms start, and they remain infectious for five to six days. People with weak immune systems such as aged people and children, may carry infection for slightly longer periods of time. Current subtypes of influenza Type A viruses are H1N1 and H3N2. Swine flu is an infection caused by H1N1 virus. In 2009, it was first detected in pigs. Recently, H1N1 vaccine has been developed to protect from swine flu infection.

Tamiflu - Influenza Treatment

It is important to treat flu, as it can lead to pneumonia or other complications especially in old age people, infants and people with long-term health issues. Tamiflu is one of the most effective medications for treating influenza. It slows down the spread of flu virus. Oseltamivir, the active ingredient in Tamiflu, works by detaching the flu virus from its host cell. It attacks the virus at its roots and prevents it from multiplying in the body. It also helps antibodies in the body to kill flu viruses in the body.

One of the most important things about oseltamivir is that it doesn't have any serious reactions with other medications. Under  medical supervision, Tamiflu can be taken along with other medications for treating other health conditions. It should be taken within 48 hours of the symptoms appearing. You should take dosage of Tamiflu as per the doctor's recommendation. If you miss one dose, you should not take double dose of Tamiflu. Taking Tamiflu exactly as directed can be an effective influenza treatment.

Combat your smoke cravings

We all know that smoking is bad for health; we all are aware of the short-term and the long-term health problems caused by smoking; yet we continue to smoke. In the UK, about 106,000 people die every year due to smoking-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cigarette smoke contains about 60 substances that can cause cancer. If you are a smoker, your life-expectancy is about 10 years lesser than that of a non-smoker. The main cause of death in half of all smokers is smoking-related diseases. People who suffer from smoking problems have several years of distressing symptoms and illness.

Brain receptors

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances. It changes the chemical structure and function of brain. Nicotine affects certain receptors in the brain to produce physical and mood-altering effects. It also causes release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter, which gives a feeling of pleasure. As a result, brain gets addicted for the same stimulus to get  the same pleasure. Since brain receptors are unable to block these pleasure signals, it becomes difficult to control the nicotine craving.

How can you control smoke urges?

If you are a regular smoker, when nicotine level in your blood falls, you usually experience withdrawal symptoms such as smoke cravings, headaches, anxiety, irritability, or restlessness. These smoke cravings sometimes are very hard to overcome with your willpower alone.

Nicotine replacement therapy: It helps you quit smoking without experiencing the withdrawal symptoms. It comes in the forms of gum, patch, nasal spray, and inhaler. Nicotine is released in the bloodstream in small amounts. In this way, without smoking cigarettes you can get nicotine in your body to relieve your withdrawal symptoms. Slowly, the amount of nicotine is reduced to curb the addiction. Some of the common side effects associated with nicotine replacement therapy are headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Nicotine patches can cause skin irritation and rashes. Also, nicotine nasal spray can cause sore throat, sneezing, and runny nose.

Champix - An easy way to quit smoking

Champix is the FDA-approved medication designed to help smokers quit smoking. Varenicline tartrate, the active ingredient in Champix, work by attaching itself to nicotine receptors in brain. It stops these receptors from responding to nicotine. As a result, there is no release of dopamine and no feeling of pleasure. This makes smoking displeasing and you do not get any enjoyable effect out of smoking. This way, Champix can help you reduce your nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

A few mild-to-moderate side effects are associated with Champix. These side effects are treatable and reversible, which means that once your body adjusts to the medication or  you discontinue taking it, you experience no side effects. Safety and efficacy of Champix outweighs the mild side effects associated with it. Champix does not contain nicotine, which makes it one of the most preferred medications for smoking cessation. It is never too late to stop smoking to live a healthy life.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Promiscuity and STDs - Running rampant among teens

In late 2008, Bradley University published a  survey which showed that the UK is the “one-night stand” capital of western industrialised nations. A study published in The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care suggests that one in two people in the UK has unprotected sex with his/her partners without knowing their sexual history. Safe sex is something which is seen as non-spontaneous and non-exciting among teens. Risk of pregnancy is the major concern for women engaging in unsafe sex and they believe that one-time is no risk at all. Unfortunately, this assumption is wrong, as there are many risks associated with unprotected sex.

Promiscuous nature - What does it cost you?

In a survey, it was found that 50% of the total male and female population in the age group of 15 to 19 admitted to have been engaged in oral sex. Just think about it, these kids have not even celebrated their 20th birthday yet. Some of the factors that influence teens to have unsafe sex are passion of the moment, pressure from their peers, and media which often portrays casual sex as the norm. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the most common and dreadful aftermath of unprotected sex that has seen a significant upsurge in the last decade. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact.

Sexually transmitted diseases - Facts and figures

According to the Health Protection Agency, sexually transmitted diseases have spread alarmingly among the younger people in the UK. Of the new cases registered at sexual health clinics, two-third of them were female aged 15-24. According to the statistics, men and women are getting involved with more and more sexual partners. The acts of dogging (having sex in the public) and orgies have become widespread phenomena. In many of these situations, people don't care to practice safe sex. Some of the most common STDs are chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes, and trichomoniasis. Genital herpes is the most common sexually transmitted disease within this category.

Genital herpes - An overview

Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and spreads from one person to another with physical contact with the infected person. The other type of herpes simplex virus, HSV-1, causes cold sores or fever blisters. The common symptoms of herpes include outbreaks of painful, red, watery blisters and ulcers around the genitalia. Pain during urination, vaginal discharge, and fever are some of the other symptoms associated with genital herpes. Because of the dormant nature of the herpes simplex virus, no medicine can cure herpes, but the symptoms can be controlled during an outbreak and treated by antivirals through suppressive therapy.


Valtrex is an antiviral medication which an infected person can take during an active herpes outbreak to get relief from the uncomfortable symptoms. Genital herpes treatment with Valtrex can be continued for long term to push the herpes virus into remission. Antivirals such as Valtrex and Famvir can also be used for herpes zoster treatment. These medicines can also be an effective option for cold sores treatment. Suppressive treatment is also considered for controlling the symptoms and providing relief to patients during outbreaks of herpes. Famvir is a powerful antiviral medication which, when taken at the first sign of an outbreak, can prevent the full-blown herpes attack within 24 hours.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spot the early symptoms of herpes

Early detection is a very important part of the management of any sexually transmitted disease (STD). While majority of experts firmly believe that early and accurate diagnosis can prevent mass-scale STD transmission, the reality tells a different story. Genital herpes, an STD that has made its way into the top 10 list of most feared sexually transmitted infections, can be diagnosed in time to minimise the risk of transmission and also to reduce the pain it causes to the sufferer.

It is really possible to diagnose genital herpes?

The Centers for Disease Control in the US has declared it in no uncertain terms that genital herpes can be diagnosed early for quicker and more effective treatment. It is still not possible to completely cure a herpes patient, but with timely detection of the herpes simplex virus in the body, it is possible to start antiviral treatment early. Medicines such as Valtrex and Famvir should  be used as soon as possible after herpes is detected. The same goes for herpes zoster (shingles) and cold sores treatment.

To begin herpes treatment with antiviral medication, clinical diagnosis is important. As about 20% of the total herpes patients do not even know that they carry the virus, it is no good to wait until visual symptoms appear. Another problem with visual symptoms is that majority of people confuse them with the signs of other health conditions and remain completely ignorant of the onset of a herpes outbreak.

Types of tests

A blood test is one of the most sought after tests to predict the presence of the herpes simplex virus. It can detect herpes simplex virus antibodies even when no visible symptoms are present. But the problem with a blood test is that it can churn out a false-negative result if you are infected within the past few days. It usually takes a few weeks for the herpes simplex virus to be present in the blood.

PCR and Tzanck tests are also reliable ways to diagnose genital herpes. A Tzanck test can be conducted when sores and blisters are visible. The medical examiner would take a sample  from your lesions and place it on a microscopic slide. Then the sample will be stained with a certain type of dye to differentiate the infected cells from the uninfected ones.

Considering the inconsistent results obtained from the Tzanck test, many doctors rely on the PCR and culture tests. The PCR test, which tries to detect the DNA of the herpes simplex virus, is scientifically very accurate but can be expensive for many patients.

An upcoming test to diagnose genital herpes involves urine and saliva testing. The feasibility and effectiveness of this test is still under clinical investigation and once it is approved by medical authorities, you can hope for a far better and more accurate herpes diagnosis in future, compared to the current scenario.

Once genital herpes is diagnosed, your doctor may recommend either Valtrex or Famvir to minimise the risk of transmission and also to shorten the severity of an outbreak. You can buy either of these medicines online from the convenience of your place.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How long women can stay on contraceptive pills?

With effective and safe birth control alternatives, today well-planned parenthood has become a lot easier. Out of all available options, birth control pills remain the most preferred option worldwide. Accidents do happen and you find yourself in the need for an emergency contraception. This is where morning-after pill comes to rescue.

The simple science behind working of these pills involves two hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone which hinders with the normal ovulation process. This prevents fertilisation and release of the egg from the ovaries.

It is the flexibility of usage of these pills that makes it so popular among women. Its usage can be continued or discontinued based on individual demand. Moreover, no medical opinion is required to do so. Apart from its popularity, there are lots of doubts and apprehension lingering in the mind of most women. Some of the most common concerns are regarding continuance and discontinuance of the birth control pills. Let’s bust some of the myths and discuss facts.

  1. Once in a while you should take a break from the contraceptive pills. There is no need for a woman to take a break from taking these pills unless and until she wants to be pregnant. However taking a break can increase her chance to get conceived. Apart from conception, these pills have other health benefits also. Endometriosis can also be treated with birth control pills. Oral contraceptives have been found to reduce the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.
  2. Fertility is affected by long term pill use. There is no connection between fertility and the usage of oral pills. Most women may face a delay in conceiving after discontinuing the pills and thereby confusing pill usage as the cause of it.
  3. Pill makes you gain weight. It is one of the common myths. The progestin hormone present in pill increases appetite, which can result in weight gain. Women feel bloated due to oestrogen, which goes away with time.
  4. Pill causes cancer. On the contrary, some doctors advise that all women should take pill for at least 5 years for ovarian cancer protection. The chances of developing ovarian cysts greatly reduce as these pills prevent ovulation.
  5. It is risky to take the pill after 40. These pills can be taken until menopause. Unless and until you are suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes taking birth control pill is not related to your age.
  6. Pill protects against STDs. Birth control pills offer no protection against STDs. It is always best to use condom to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Dental dams can be used for oral sex.
  7. All pills are the same. In the market different brands of contraceptive pills are available. They are categorised under two types, one is Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills, which is combination of oestrogen and progestin. The other is Progestin-Only Pills (POP) or mini-pills that contain progestin but not oestrogen.
Emergency contraceptive pills

These pills can be taken only when you feel your contraception has failed or you had unprotected sex. Emergency contraceptive pills available on the market today work for up to 3-5 days after sex. Levonelle 1500 is one such pill which is effective for about 72 hours. ellaOne is another emergency contraceptive pill that is 98% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Combating thinning of hair with effective treatments

Male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss in men. 25% of men are affected by this condition in their 20s and the rest in their 40s. Going bald is something that people consider as a nightmare. Receding hairline is the most common term used with male pattern baldness. In this pattern, there is thinning of hair at the temple and crown. As a result a bald patch appears at the front of the head.

This pattern of hair loss is seen due to scalp sensitivity to male sex hormone (testosterone). Let’s look at the role of this hormone in the loss of hair. For this, we first need to understand the process of hair growth. Hair follicles are small sacks under scalp from which the hair grows for three years. It is the natural process by which the old hair sheds off and new ones grow. This process continues throughout the life.

What are the causes of male pattern hair loss?

The problem starts when these follicles become sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a male sex hormone. This then causes the follicles to shrink in size. Over time, these follicles shrink to such an extent that they cannot grow hair. However they are still capable of growing hair.

Sons have long blamed their fathers for their baldness, but scientists have discovered that mother’s genes are responsible for it. A son inherits X chromosome from his mother. It is believed that a specific type of gene variation attached with X chromosome causes hair loss. But not all occurrences of baldness can be blamed on mothers, as scientists are not able to conclude evidently.

What are the treatment options for male hair loss?

Topical hair loss treatments: It is the most common type of hair loss treatment. The products range from shampoos, conditioners, gels, and oils for scalp.

Surgery: It is one of the expensive treatments for male hair loss. The success rate in this procedure varies from person to person. Recovery time is longer for this type of treatment.

Oral hair loss treatments: Prescription medications are widely accepted treatment for this type of hair loss. One of the most effective oral hair loss treatments is finasteride. It’s a prescription only drug which comes in the pill form. It is marketed under the brand name Propecia. It is one of the most effective treatments to date for male pattern baldness. The action of hormone, dihydrotestosterone is stopped by Propecia, resulting in growth of hair through follicles. You can order Propecia online to get a long-term solution to your hair loss problem. Online clinics let you go through a consultation which includes just filling in a medical questionnaire to get to know your medical history. You can buy Propecia online to save you a lot of time and money. It is dispatched at your doorstep within 24-hours.

If the condition worsens then it is always best to consult with a dermatologist to get your condition diagnosed.

Absolute answers to overcome impotence

Impotence is a condition signified with the inability of men to hold their erection during sexual intercourse. It affects millions of men all over the world at a much younger age than before. Poor lifestyle choices and unhealthy habits have been linked to impotence. A lot of factors that cause temporary erection problems are fatigue, anxiety, alcohol, smoking and drug abuse.

Erection process

It is a complex event that involves interaction of brain, nervous system, and blood circulation system. Erection begins with mental or sensory stimulation. A reflex is sent to the brain which in turn sends a signal to spinal cord area. Spinal cord nerves send a reflex to the nerves around penis. It is necessary for smooth muscles in penis to relax to let the blood flow in. As smooth muscles relax, the blood flows in the two chambers of penis, causing penis to erect. When there is a problem in any step during the process  needed to get an erection, erectile dysfunction is experienced.

Causes and risk factors

In about 70% cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by physical factors and in rest 30% by psychological factors. Among younger men, anxiety is one of the main reasons to cause erectile problems, long working hours, pressure to please their sexual partners and  tiredness. Physical causes are more common among older men. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, pelvic trauma, heavy smoking, damage to blood vessels or nerves. Some of the top causes are:

Cardiovascular diseases: Hardening of arteries causes various cardiovascular problems. The blood flow necessary to get an erection is blocked by arteries causing impotence. This artery blockage is known as atherosclerosis. Due to this reason, impotence is a strong predictor of heart disease. In other words, people suffering from impotence are twice as likely to succumb to heart ailments as who do not have the problem. It is always advisable for someone with erectile dysfunction to get a cardiovascular examination done.

Diabetes: This is another condition that can lead to impotence. The blood vessels and nerves of penis can be damaged in a diabetic person. There is also a chance of hardening of arteries due to diabetes. Controlling the blood sugar levels and strict dietary regimes can help in reducing the chances of impotence.

Ageing: It is a common physical cause related to impotence. Ageing, in itself, comes with a lot of physical disorders and health conditions that tend to degrade the proper working of body. There is also an imbalance in the level of nitrous oxide with age, which is a chemical substance responsible for penile erection.

Overcoming erectile dysfunction

What is the best way to get an impotence treatment? Based on your needs and desire following are some remedies that can be resorted to:

Vacuum pump: It is commonly known as penis pump. As the name suggests, it creates vacuum around penis to draw the blood into the penis, which leads to an erection.

Penile prosthesis or extender: Penis stretcher or penis traction device are other names to it. It is safe and medically proven to be effective if used as recommended.

Medications: ED pills are the most popular and effective treatment for impotence. These drugs work by enhancing the flow of blood to the penis. Viagra is one such medication. Viagra has become worldwide name in the field of impotence. These impotence pills are prescription only medications and should taken under proper medical supervision.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Different forms of contraceptives

Birth control, also known as contraception, refers to prevention of unwanted pregnancy. It is an integral part of family planning for married couples and a proactive safety measure for unmarried women. Contraception usually becomes an important consideration for a woman following her involvement in an unprotected sexual intercourse because of a contraceptive failure, as in the case of a torn condom, or other reasons.

The existing birth control methods vary from hormonal contraception to the use of physical barriers such as condom or intrauterine device (IUD). Among these methods, hormonal birth control tablets have earned the trust of millions of women worldwide for their safety and reliability. More than 25 hormonal contraceptive pills are now available in the UK market, helping many women make the right choice at the right time.

Regular and emergency contraceptive pills

Hormonal birth control medicines are available in two forms: regular contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptive pills (also known as morning after pills). Regular pills are usually a combined formulation containing synthetic versions of oestrogen and progesterone, two sex hormones that your body produces naturally. However, certain contraceptive pills contain only a single hormone and yet are indicated to be taken on a regular basis for prevention of pregnancy. Cerazette (desogestrel) is a popular medicine belonging to this category.

Emergency contraception, as the term suggests, is indicated to be used only when the need for contraception is urgent. It may so happen that you forget to take your regular contraceptive dose for a couple of days, or you have sex in the weekend when your neighbourhood pharmacies are closed. Under such circumstances, emergency contraceptives (EC) pills are probably your last resort to avoid getting pregnant. These pills are also called 'mini pills' because of their small hormonal content. The most popular pills in this category include ellaOne 30mg and Levonelle 1500.

How to make the right contraceptive choice

Every woman is different, so what may suit one woman may not suit another. Consider the following pros and cons of both types of contraception before making a choice.


Regular birth control pills such as Microgynon, Cilest, Yasmin and Cerazette are almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Most of the regular contraceptives are meant to be used for long term and can be helpful for women who have just had a miscarriage or an abortion. Certain regular pills can also give you relief from mood disorders which many women complain about while using contraceptive methods.

Some women suffer from adverse drug reactions to oestrogen. Progesterone-only emergency pills can be very helpful for them. Another benefit of emergency contraceptives is that they work instantly to prevent ovulation. But it is advisable that you consult a doctor to find out which method of contraception caters best to your contraceptive need.


Despite outstanding efficacy and safety, dual-hormone pills can cause certain adverse side effects, including breast tenderness, nausea, headache, and weight gain. A mini pill, on the other hand, can create irregular bleeding pattern soon after you start taking it. Most hormonal contraception methods are not recommended for women who are already pregnant or nursing.

Whichever form of contraception you choose, make sure it's a prescription drug. It can save you from lots of unnecessary hassles and anxieties.