Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What you can do and do without when you're on a slimming regime

Weight loss programs are tried and tested ways to achieve long-term weight loss goals and remain healthy. But overweight or obese people are often fed with incomplete or wrong information about how to go about their slimming regimes. Resultantly, they end up putting more weight and developing other health conditions. Relying solely on slimming pills to lose weight and cutting down on diet in an irrational manner may do you more harm than good when you are under obesity treatment. Let us cast light on some do's and don'ts while you're on a weight loss program.

Do take a diet that works best for you

Everyone's body is different and there is no rule of thumb to know for sure how your body is going to react to certain food. So it's up to you to know which type of food you like and most importantly, your body can accept without rebelling.

Do stick to your diet

When you're prescribed a low-calorie diet by your physician, it takes time for your body to get accustomed to the new food. Also, if you're taking weight loss pills such as Xenical, there is a fair chance that your slimming program will take at least 90 days before you see any significant reduction in your BMI, body fat or waist circumference.

Do take your new diet as a permanent solution to your weight-related problem

Hopping across various types of diets is not recommended when you're on a weight loss program. It's like needlessly blowing hot and cold when all you need is a steady, nutritious diet coupled with regular exercise and weight loss pills, if any.      

Do take veg 'filler' foods

Vegetables that do not contain starch are perfect when you're on a slimming program. They are low-calorie food with plenty of water and fibre. Baby carrots, cauliflower leaves and green beans are recommended in particular.

Don't snack between principal meals

This is a strict no-no if you're serious about losing weight. Most snacks and junk foods contain a very high percentage of fat and carbohydrates and you won't do yourself any good if you keep on munching potato chips and cheeseburgers all the time.

Don't deprive yourself of sleep

The most basic things about life are simple. If you don't get adequate sleep, production of a hormone called ghrelin increases, making you feel more hungry. Lack of sleep can also make you feel irritated and tired, which effectively takes away your focus from things you should be thinking about on priority basis. And when that happens, chances are very high that you'll be drawn into eating to compensate for your intellectual or spiritual deficits.

Don't use exercise as an excuse to eating more

You may walk, run, swim, or dance, but none of them will fetch you any benefit if you can't resist the temptation to go on frequent binges.    

Don't eat when you're not hungry

Hunger is the best cuisine and amen to that. Many people have a tendency to eat when they feel unhappy, angry or bored. Emotional eating violates the body's natural requirement. So learn to distinguish between craving and hunger. Also, avoid peers who always eat no matter what the occasion is. You may find it difficult to not eat when you are in their company.

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