Has your sexual desire gone down? Are you avoiding sexual intimacy with your partner because you find intercourse painful? Watch out, for you may have fallen 'victim' to female sexual dysfunction (FSD). It is a genuine health problem which affects many women, particularly those who have their ovaries surgically removed. The early signs of FSD may be rooted in hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), a female sexual health condition which is exclusively linked with low libido. This article discusses both these conditions and their treatment with testosterone patches – the much acclaimed female libido enhancer.
FSD is when sex becomes a chore for you. To begin with, you do not find any exciting reason to go to bed with your partner. Then you may struggle to reach climax and on top that, intercourse may give you more pain than pleasure. On the other hand, HSDD is when you suffer from lack of desire to have sex.
Causes of FSD
Certain physical or psychological factors may cause female sexual dysfunction. In case you had bitter sexual encounters early in your life, you may become less interested in sex, or worse, can repel at the thought of having sex, which may manifest through HSDD. It has been established that there is a connection between sexual assault in childhood and decreased libido in adulthood. Problems in a relationship can cause you to become sexually impassive. Many women suffering from clinical FSD complain about relationship problems as the main culprit behind their low libido.
The most obvious factor behind female sexual dysfunction is physical and can be treated effectively. It is related to reduced production of a naturally occurring sex hormone in your body, testosterone. This hormone is responsible for arousing your desires. But its production can drop as you age, causing you to think differently about sex and act in a less responsive manner to sexual arousal. Surgical removal of the ovaries is one of the main reasons behind FSD in young women. Removal of the ovaries can deplete the production of testosterone, disturbing the natural hormonal balance in a woman's body. Under such circumstances, you may need hormonal treatments to compensate for low testosterone levels in your body.
Other physical causes may include damaged blood vessels, endocrine gland problems and use of certain medicines.
When you are not in the mood to have sex just because you are too tired, you are not suffering from FSD. Similarly, depression, guilt and many other psychological factors can sometimes make you feel that you are just not into sex. It is normal for nearly all women to go through such phases in life from time to time. But when the problem lingers for too long, it may be time to talk to your doctor and seek medical help.
Intrinsa patch
Hormonal treatment of female sexual dysfunction is currently dominated by Intrinsa patch, which has made a tremendous impact on the lives of thousands of women. An Intrinsa patch can supply artificial version of testosterone to your body to boost your desire for sex. All you have to do is to stick this patch on a dry surface of your skin for 3-4 days at a stretch and forget about the rest. You can talk to your doctor today to consider buying a starter pack which you can use for a month.