Thursday, December 30, 2010

Use testosterone patches, defeat FSD

Has your sexual desire gone down? Are you avoiding sexual intimacy with your partner because you find intercourse painful? Watch out, for you may have fallen 'victim' to female sexual dysfunction (FSD). It is a genuine health problem which affects many women, particularly those who have their ovaries surgically removed. The early signs of FSD may be rooted in hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), a female sexual health condition which is exclusively linked with low libido. This article discusses both these conditions and their treatment with testosterone patches – the much acclaimed female libido enhancer.


FSD is when sex becomes a chore for you. To begin with, you do not find any exciting reason to go to bed with your partner. Then you may struggle to reach climax and on top that, intercourse may give you more pain than pleasure. On the other hand, HSDD is when you suffer from lack of desire to have sex.

Causes of FSD

Certain physical or psychological factors may cause female sexual dysfunction. In case you had bitter sexual encounters early in your life, you may become less interested in sex, or worse, can repel at the thought of having sex, which may manifest through HSDD. It has been established that there is a connection between sexual assault in childhood and decreased libido in adulthood. Problems in a relationship can cause you to become sexually impassive. Many women suffering from clinical FSD complain about relationship problems as the main culprit behind their low libido.

The most obvious factor behind female sexual dysfunction is physical and can be treated effectively. It is related to reduced production of a naturally occurring sex hormone in your body, testosterone. This hormone is responsible for arousing your desires. But its production can drop as you age, causing you to think differently about sex and act in a less responsive manner to sexual arousal. Surgical removal of the ovaries is one of the main reasons behind FSD in young women. Removal of the ovaries can deplete the production of testosterone, disturbing the natural hormonal balance in a woman's body. Under such circumstances, you may need hormonal treatments to compensate for low testosterone levels in your body.

Other physical causes may include damaged blood vessels, endocrine gland problems and use of certain medicines.

When you are not in the mood to have sex just because you are too tired, you are not suffering from FSD. Similarly, depression, guilt and many other psychological factors can sometimes make you feel that you are just not into sex. It is normal for nearly all women to go through such phases in life from time to time. But when the problem lingers for too long, it may be time to talk to your doctor and seek medical help.

Intrinsa patch

Hormonal treatment of female sexual dysfunction is currently dominated by
Intrinsa patch, which has  made a tremendous impact on the lives of thousands of women. An Intrinsa patch can supply artificial version of testosterone to your body to boost your desire for sex. All you have to do is to stick this patch on a dry surface of your skin for 3-4 days at a stretch and forget about the rest. You can talk to your doctor today to consider buying a starter pack which you can use for a month.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Losing your hair - We have a solution

Male pattern hair loss is quite common among adult men. It refers to thinning of hair which loosens on the scalp and eventually falls out.  Male pattern baldness is different from normal hair loss as the hair falls out permanently in this condition. But it can be treated through prescription medication like Propecia.

Hair loss is usually caused by following factors:
  • Ageing
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Illness and infectious disease
  • Nervous disorders
  • Toxic substances
  • Injury and impairment

Propecia (finasteride) is an effective prescription medicine for treating male pattern hair loss. It blocks an enzyme, 5-alpha-reductase, which causes hair loss. A single pill is taken every day to combat hair loss. It also stimulates new hair growth and is a treatment for men above 18 years of age.

Men who suffer from the following conditions should avoid taking this pill:
  • Liver disease / abnormal liver enzyme test
  • Prostrate cancer
  • Bladder muscle disorder
  • Stricture of urethra
  • Unable to urinate because of infection
As a side effect, you may suffer from temporary impotence or loss of sex drive.


It is the active ingredient in Propecia. It prevents conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes hair loss. It slows down hair loss and also helps in new hair growth.


Only 1 mg finasteride tablet should be taken everyday and at the same time. On forgetting the dosage it should be taken as soon as you remember. But an over dosage may lead to side effects.

It should be taken with a glass of water, either with or without food.

If any unusual or painful side effects are experienced, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Buying the pill

You can buy Propecia online from a registered website. Buying the pill online can be a convenient option for you as it saves time and face to face consultation with your local doctor.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Viagra for gay men?

Viagra has made erectile dysfunction treatment hassle free and effective. The blue pill has already helped, and is still helping, many straight men with erectile dysfunction enjoy a normal and healthy sex life. But just in case your sexual orientation is not straight, here is a warning for you: do not take this pill while having sex with a male partner. A recent study has concluded that gay men are at increased risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV-AIDS, when they use Viagra. The risk multiplies when you take Viagra with other illegal drugs such as poppers or ecstasy.

The survey, conducted at an STD clinic in San Francisco, further highlighted that gay men are more likely to engage in unprotected anal sex than their straight counterparts. It can increase the risk of HIV and other STD transmission. Besides, many gay men frequently change their sexual partners without inquiring about their HIV status. So despite being HIV-negative you can still contract HIV if the man you have recently had sex with is HIV-positive.

Another reason for you to not take a Viagra pill before you get hooked up in bed with a guy is that the Pfizer tablet can increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks, especially when taken with other performance enhancing drugs. But still if you want to take Viagra, make absolutely sure that you stay away from poppers or ecstasy.

Another alarming finding was that majority of the gay men who used Viagra had obtained the drug from their friends or casual acquaintances. This is against the regulation issued by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA approved Viagra only as a prescription medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. So you should always be having a valid prescription issued by a registered doctor before buying Viagra online or from your local drugstore.

Essentials About Contraceptive Pills

We all know what emergency contraceptive pills are. But do these pills live up to the expectations? How do they work to prevent unwanted pregnancy? These are some of the key questions you may want to ask and feel reassured before you go ahead and buy the right pill for you. Once you finish reading this article, you will have enough credible information to feel confident about using emergency contraceptives.

What is emergency contraception? When do I need it? 

Put simply, emergency contraception is a pregnancy prevention method in emergency. It may so happen that you forgot to take your regular birth control pill the last time you had sex. Or worst, the condom got torn in the middle of sex and your partner ejaculated inside you. These are the times when you might need to pop up emergency birth control pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Are there any other emergency contraception methods?
An intrauterine device (IUD) can be used as an alternative to EC pills. You can use an IUD up to 5 days from unprotected sex. The effectiveness of this contraception method is same as that of EC pills.

What can I use to feel safe about preventing pregnancy?
If you want to go by the success rate of different emergency contraception methods, pills are still the safest bet. It is estimated that women using ulipristal acetate (which is sold under the trade name ellaOne) or levonorgestrel (Levonelle One Step) have reported satisfactory results as far as pregnancy prevention is concerned. The effectiveness of ellaOne is a whopping 98%, which means that 98 out of 100 women taking this pill within 120 hours from unprotected sexual intercourse can prevent unwanted pregnancy. The numbers also speak in favour of Levonelle. This pill can successfully prevent pregnancy in 85 out of 100 women taking it within 72 hours from unprotected sexual intercourse.

Do I need to use any barrier method with emergency contraception?

After taking hormonal contraceptives such as ellaOne or Levonelle, you should always use barrier methods for any subsequent sexual activities till the start of the next menstrual cycle.

Can EC pills affect my menstrual cycle?
Yes. If your next menstrual cycle gets delayed by more than a week, or if you experience unusual bleeding or any other physical discomfort, talk to your healthcare provider and get a pregnancy test done.

Can I buy ellaOne or Levonelle online?
Yes. Both the pills are available online. To buy ellaOne online, you need to visit a website that sells these types of drugs. Then you can place your order following online consultation with a doctor. You may be asked to provide details of your current health conditions, if any. Then you will be prescribed ellaOne with dosing and other necessary safety information. You need to follow the same process while buying Levonelle. The best part about buying drugs online is that it is 100% confidential. But to ensure confidentiality, you must choose a registered online clinic in the UK.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What do I do to get Cialis online?

Want to buy Cialis online? You need to ensure that you have come to a certified online clinic. That's the first and most critical step to avoid drug counterfeiters. As Cialis is becoming more and more popular, many men with erectile dysfunction are going online to buy this medicine. Online availability of tadalafil has ensured a couple of things – you can make the purchase discreetly from the comfort of your home, and you can save yourself time. You can get the medicine with just a few clicks. But take note of the following points before you buy.

Useful tips for online purchase
Everything about the virtual world is not as convenient as you may think. There are numerous fake websites that claim to sell genuine tadalafil with the right dosing options, but all they sell are counterfeit drugs containing very little or no active ingredient. They misguide and fool the customers by churning out pills that resemble the original yellow tabs.

When you are making any kind of online purchase, check out if:
  • the website has a valid and verifiable street address and contact number
  • it is a registered online clinic
  • it is selling the medicine without prescription, sometimes at a rate which is too good to be true
Any registered online clinic will have valid contact details. Also, they won't sell Cialis without prescription because it is approved by the FDA only as a prescription medicine to treat impotence.

Safety checklist while buying Cialis online – Dosage
Also take a hard look at the doses of tadalafil. Genuine tadalafil comes in 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg. But a counterfeit version of this drug may come in less or more dosing strengths, which can be dangerous for you.

Getting the medicine online
To get Cialis online, all you need to do is fill up a consultation form which a qualified doctor will review and based on that, you will get a prescription issued. Then you can place the order and get the medicine right at your doorstep swiftly and discreetly.

Emergency Contraceptive Pills Available Online

Should there be any mishap in your regular contraception, you may become pregnant. To avoid an unwanted pregnancy you can try emergency contraceptive pills. The good news is that you do not have to sneakily go to your neighbourhood clinic to buy EC pills such as ellaOne or Levonelle. Now you can buy emergency birth control pills online from the convenience of your home.

Tips for buying ellaOne online

ellaOne (ulipristal acetate) is one of the leading emergency birth control pills available on the UK market today. Its popularity owes a lot to its effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancies after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. To buy ellaOne from the comfort of your home you need to find an online clinic with valid registration and street address. There you can place your order following medical consultation with an online doctor who will decide if you are eligible to take ellaOne.

Make sure you order the emergency contraceptive pill from a genuine online drug source. Using counterfeit drugs for contraception can be disastrous for you. Do not get fooled by tall claims made by many fake websites. 

Levonelle online 

Levonelle is not too far behind ellaOne as far as popularity is concerned. It enjoys a decent success rate of 85% and unlike ellaOne, it needs to be taken within 72 hours from unprotected sexual intercourse. It is a rather conventional birth control pill which young women like to take in emergency. Even though it is not clearly understood how this drug works to prevent pregnancy, its sell has been phenomenal in the UK and elsewhere in the world. It will be a smart choice if you buy the One Step EC pill online. Follow the same guideline while buying Levonelle online.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Make weight loss easier with Xenical

Unlike certain health conditions that are caused by genetic and environmental factors typical to particular ethnic groups or races, obesity has spread across the globe. If you look at the global fact sheets about obesity, you will find out how the human population has been steadily putting on excess fat. In the UK, nearly 46% men and 32% women are overweight. If you shift your focus to the US, the facts about weight are literally 'heavy'. As of 2007, it was estimated that nearly three-fourth of the total adult population in the US were overweight or obese. In Asian countries, the average calorie intake per person is low compared to Europe and America.

How do I get Xenical?

If you are an European looking for obesity treatment, you can buy Xenical online. It is a prescription pill which comes in the strength of 120mg. Unlike other weight loss pills, Xenical orlistat targets the food that you eat daily and eliminate one-third of the fat it contains.

Why is Xenical so popular worldwide? 
Xenical is sold worldwide. The reason behind such widespread popularity of this medicine is that it can be taken by overweight or obese people with other health conditions, including thyroid. Your doctor is to decide on the correct dosing schedule of Xenical under all circumstances. Let your doctor or GP know whether or not you are currently on any other medication.

How does the slimming pill work?

Xenical is a fat blocking pill. It means that orlistat, the active ingredient of the drug, binds to certain enzymes that help digest dietary fat. As a result of this, a part of the fat that comes from food does not break down and passes off from the system undigested. So effectively, the medicine does not curb your freedom to eat, given that you eat a moderate amount of fat. Discarding fat totally may reduce your energy levels and result in deficiency of essential fatty acids, which is not what you want as far as healthy living is concerned. 

How does Xenical help in weight loss?

Xenical not only prevents weight gain, but also initiates weight loss when you take it over a period of time. As your body dispenses with the extra fat, it starts using up the fat reserves. So you are going to lose weight in time. 

How is Xenical different from other diet pills?

Unlike other slimming pills and supplements, orlistat does not discourage you to eat. It does not undermine the importance of physical exercise either. The key point about Xenical is that it lets you choose a healthy and achievable weight loss goal.

How do I set my weight loss goals with Xenical?

Setting an achievable weight loss goal is important when you are using orlistat. Raising the bar too high can lead to disappointing results. Losing 5-10% of your body weight is usually safe and healthy. It is estimated that most of the weight-related problems subside when obese or overweight people using Xenical lose 5-10% weight in about 3 months.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

4 tips to last longer in bed

It is not easy to find an all-cure for premature ejaculation. Each man is different and has different physical responses to sexual arousal. If you are coming too early inside your woman, it is advisable that you should find out specific causes of your problem. If you can figure out the causes, the following 4 tips may be useful for you to keep her up all night!

Try to please her and not yourself

Many men get carried away by the pleasure they get during sex and forget about their role as lovers. While having sex with your woman, focus on giving her pleasure. If you do that, you can hold on to your ejaculation long enough to see her through until she climaxes. Another plus factor is that when you are intent on giving pleasure to your woman, you train your senses to think differently during sex. You can take your mind off of your own orgasm, which helps enormously in delaying the point of no return.

Always try different positions

Change is the only constant they say and so it goes for sex. When you and your partner get used to a particular sex position, go for another one which you haven't tried so far. It will help you last longer than before. Having your partner switch places with you can be another way of getting a different sensation and being able to delay ejaculation. But be very careful not to try a position which is not comfortable for either of you.

Talk a lot during sex

Sex can be real fun when you talk as you 'do' it. As you talk, you become oblivious to the time you spend together and voila, that's the trick to last long!

Medical help

Premature ejaculation cure is no longer an impossible target to achieve with Priligy dapoxetine. This selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor pill has become very popular in the UK, among men who want to enhance their performance in bed. Talk to your doctor to find out more about medical help to treat premature ejaculation.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Genetic Factors behind Male Pattern Baldness

Are you growing bald? You are not alone to suffer the plight. According to statistics, 50% of men go bald by the time they reach 50. Male pattern hair loss is not rare. If someone from your mother's or father's family has/had a problem with hair fall, probably you have your future bald too. It is a genetically predisposed condition which is unavoidable but treatable with proper and timely medication.

Male pattern baldness – Probable causes

Losing hair is not unusual in itself. At any given moment, an adult man possesses about 100,000 to 150,000 strands of hair on his crown, and an estimated number of 100 strands come off everyday. But the problem gets worse when the hair follicles stop responding to androgenic hormones. Experts say that androgenic hormones, along with genetic factors, cause male hair loss. Unfortunately, our knowledge about the exact causes of hair fall is still limited.

Mothers blamed too often

It is true that sons owe a lot to their mothers, but it is unfair to blame the mother's side whenever a man goes bald. A group of European researchers found a gene variation which they believed would explain androgenic alopecia, the clinical name for male pattern baldness. They thought so because the gene variation is attached to the X chromosome, which sons inherit from their mothers only. But at the same time, the researchers failed to evidently conclude that all occurrences of male pattern baldness are linked to the mother's side. What they knew for certain was that the maternal side of the family had a relative edge over the paternal side, but that inference did not eliminate fathers as potential contributors to the baldness of their sons.

About the gene

The study was conducted among 95 families in which a minimum number of 2 male siblings had developed androgenic alopecia from an early age. So the number of subjects in the survey amounted to 200. Following the genetic screening, it was revealed that for a man to develop pattern baldness at an early age, it is a sine qua non that he must have a variation in the androgen receptor gene. A variant gene was found more often in among men who went bald early in their life. Testosterone, one of the governing sex hormones in men, is part of androgenic hormones that are related in some ways to hair loss. But as mentioned earlier, the exact mechanisms are not yet known. According to scientists, male sex hormones help grow body hair, but too much of it will prevent the growth of scalp hair. Also, another androgenic hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) make the hair follicles shrink when exposed, which is why no visible hair comes out of the follicle. Existing treatments of hair loss target DHT to stimulate hair regrowth. Finasteride, sold under the brand name Propecia in the UK, is a synthetic antiandrogen that can prevent male pattern hair fall and also help hair regrow. It is a prescription only medicine, so you need to consult your doctor first.

Frequently asked questions about Xenical

We have answered some of the most asked questions about Xenical, a prescription weight loss pill.

How does Xenical work?

Xenical starts its work after you eat food. It prevents your body from absorbing 30% dietary fat. This means one-third of the fat you take through food cannot be absorbed by the body and no unnecessary fats are stored. As a result, you don't gain extra weight. With Xenical you can eventually lose weight as your body does not get the calories it needs from the food you eat and utilise the unused fat reserve.

Xenical does not work like other slimming pills. Unlike other diet pills, Xenical does not affect the brain in any way.

To what extent is Xenical effective?

You can see the effect of Xenical within 2-3 months. The effeciency of Xenical is clinically tested. If you take it on a regular basis you can lose 5-10% of your body weight within 3 months. People start losing weight within 2 weeks after taking Xenical and continue to lose weight up to 12 months.

Can I take Xenical with other medications?

Yes, you can take Xenical with other medications, but make sure that your doctor knows it. If you are taking other medicines, wait for 2 hours and then take Xenical. You are supposed to take Xenical only on prescription.

What precautions should I take while taking Xenical?

You need to remember that Xenical is not a magic pill. You can not depend totally on it. You should also take certain steps if you want positive results. You need to change your lifestyle, and you should balance your diet. You should take low calorie foods, and avoid oily foods full of fats. You will see changes in your body weight soon.

What should I do if I forget to take my Xenical dose?

If you forget to take your Xenical dose, the only problem is you will miss the benefit of the drug. But do not panic. You can continue with your regular schedule of Xenical.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A brief introduction to Viagra

Viagra is a very popular prescription pill available in the market for the treatment of impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED). It has been proven beneficial for millions of men worldwide. Viagra pills are also known as the blue pills.

Impotence is a common problem among men of all ages. In this condition, a man is unable to get and sustain an erection for satisfactory sexual activities.

How does Viagra work?

If you are suffering from impotence, you can find relief with Viagra. Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra. It helps increase blood flow in the penis and allows you to get strong and hard erections.  Sildenafil stops the breakdown of cGMP in the penile chambers. As cGMP builds up, the smooth muscles in the penis relax and the arteries dilate. Viagra needs to be taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse and its effect usually lasts for 4 hours.

Viagra online

If you are shy about discussing this problem even with your partner, you can buy Viagra online. But you need a valid prescription. To get a prescription, you need to complete a short online consultation with registered doctors. A number of online clinics are offering you the blue pill, but make sure that you buy it only from an authorized clinic.

Viagra side effects
The most common side effects of Viagra include:
  • facial flushing
  • upset stomach
  • nausea
  • headache
These side effects are usually very mild and go away quickly. But in case they bother you for too long, talk to your doctor. If you experience chest pain during sex, stop taking Viagra and inform your doctor.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Recharging your sex life with testosterone

Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is common among women of all ages. Intrinsa patch, the latest FSD treatment, have created much enthusiasm among women who have been waiting for long to get their version of Viagra. Manufactured by Procter and Gamble, Intrinsa is the first prescription medicine for treating low sexual desire in women. It was introduced in 2007 and ever since, it's been seen by experts as one of the leading medicinal supplements to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). 
FSD - Introduction
Female sexual dysfunction, unlike male impotence, is a distinct lack of interest in any kind of sexual activities. Factors behind FSD can be hormonal changes, or something else. But you know for sure you are suffering from FSD when you are even unable to fantasise abut sex. With FSD, you can find it difficult or impossible to get orgasms.

Factors behind lack of sexual desire 
Sometimes you feel you are not just in the mood and look for excuses to avoid sex with your partner. This is when you need treatment for lack of libido. FSD is directly linked with women's reproductive health and sexual happiness. A hormone called oestrogen is behind female sexual behaviours and outcomes. When oestrogen level goes below normal, a woman can have difficulties in enjoying her sex life. Similarly, surgical removal of ovaries can cause a young woman to feel low on sexual desire. Young age is the most fertile time for a woman, so any sexual dysfunction this time can be detrimental to both her mind and body.

Age is also a factor behind women's low sexual desire. With age comes many health complications and you may start perceiving your body and sexual responses in a different manner. So to increase your hunger for sex, you need something that can artificially boost your interest in sex. You can use an Intrinsa patch to see the difference.

Intrinsa – The drive booster 
A single patch of Intrinsa contains 300mg of testosterone, which is delivered straight to the bloodstream through skin. The ovaries and the adrenal gland produce testosterone naturally. So if the source organs are removed, you'll then need the hormone from outside.

You should use Intrinsa patches for a long period of time, preferably for months, to notice the positive results. You need to wear the patch continuously for at least 72 hours. Unlike the ED drug Viagra, which only helps men get firmer and stronger erections, Intrinsa can improve stimulation, excitement and orgasm.   

An envious success rate 
Clinical trials revealed that 51% women who had menopause after surgical removal of their ovaries reported improved sexual performance and pleasure after using the testosterone patches. But these patches won't boost your sexual desire if your menopause is natural.

Probable side effects 
Intrinsa has testosterone, which is a predominantly male hormone. So its side effects may include change of voice, appearance of body hair and irritation in the abdominal skin. But the side effects usually go away after you stop using the patches. As you see, the goodness of testosterone patches outweigh their shortcomings, which is why you can try them out to reclaim your libido.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why should you take Propecia?

Propecia not only can stop hair loss but can also help to grow new hair. It is a very popular treatment for male pattern hair loss. Propecia is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an effective medication to provide relief from one of the most common problems many men experience. The drug was discovered in 1997.

Pattern hair loss can lead you to baldness. Baldness can affect your confidence and self esteem. If you are suffering from this problem, you can seek the help of Propecia. Many men who use Propecia have experienced no further hair loss. In some cases men experience significant regrowth of hair too.

What is the action mechanism of Propecia?

Propecia has finasteride as its active ingredient. The medicine works by lowering the level of an androgenic hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. It prevents testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone. DHT causes hair follicles to shrink. Propecia blocks DHT production and allows hair follicles to come into their normal size. As a result, your hair start growing again.

You can see the positive result of Propecia in 3 to 6 months and within 9 months, your hair may even begin to regrow.

How should I take Propecia?

One Propecia tablet should be taken daily. You can take it at any time. If you forget to take a dose, skip it and take the next dose. You can take Propecia with or without food. If you are taking any other medicines, talk to your doctor before taking Propecia.

Possible side effects of Propecia
The side effects of Propecia are very uncommon. But some men experience erectile dysfunction, low libido and decreased amount of semen after using Propecia. You need to consult a doctor if you experience such side effects.

Happy Weight Management with Xenical

Living with obesity can be a problem. It can invite many health problems, including diabetes, sleep apnea, and even cancer. Besides, you may also have difficulties in getting along with your peers and acquaintances. In case you are looking for a comprehensive weight management program for better living, Xenical orlistat can be the right choice for you.

Orlistat – Direct and effective obesity treatment

Many weight loss medicines suppress appetite or boost up the metabolic rate. These are all indirect methods to help an obese or overweight person lose weight. But Xenical works directly at the fat you take through food. It attaches to the lipases enzymes and prevents them from breaking down the dietary fat. The undigested fat eventually gets out of your system in bowel movements. It is proven that orlistat can help get rid of one-third of fat taken through food.

Happy weight management with Xenical
To be happy and slim, orlistat alone won't help. You need to eat sensibly and exercise daily. There is no shortcut secret to losing weight. A sensible diet is a low-calorie and nutritionally balanced diet. To allow Xenical to take care of your problems, you must also engage in physical activities on a regular basis – be it a 30-minute gym session everyday, or regular jogging in the park.

Visit to the doctor

To know if you can use Xenical, visit your doctor's clinic and discuss your problem. Your doctor may want to know about the details of your existing health problems, if any, and whether or not you sought any obesity treatment earlier.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Basic Information About Testosterone Patches

Testosterone is a hormone, absorbed via abdominal skin, that helps women to maintain the basic functioning and sexual desire in their body. We can find testosterone in Intrinsa  patches. Women who are not able to produce enough testosterone can use this treatment. It enters in their body through skin into their blood stream, which helps them to be sexually aroused. Using testosterone patches is very easy, but you need to keep some points in mind. 

How can you make the best use of these patches?

You need to apply testosterone patches on dry and clean skin on the abdomen. If you are having any kind of injury, bruise or cuts, do not apply the patches on that area of the skin.

It is advisable to use it for 2-3 days and then change it. Make sure that you are using this on different parts of your body. You should keep a distance period of seven days before applying it on the same area of the body.

The best part is that you can wear this patch even while bathing or swimming. Apply it regularly as recommended by your doctor, if you want to get the best results out of it. Some side effects have also been noticed with Intrinsa patches, but you need not worry about it because they are not very serious side effects.

Some minor side effects of testosterone patches are:
  • Itching
  • Hair loss
  • Anxiety
  • Swelling
  • Depression
  • Yellow eyes
  • Change the amount of urine

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Emergency Contraception – Choices and Precautions

Emergency contraception is a birth control method for the prevention of pregnancy after unprotected sex or failure of regular contraception. Millions of women in the UK depend on emergency contraceptive pills, also known as the morning-after pills, to prevent unwanted pregnancies. These pills can help you in two scenarios:

  1. Contraceptive failure (condom got torn or you forgot to take your regular contraceptive pill)
  2. Unprotected sex (sex without condom or any other barrier method)

What are the options available to me?
As far as emergency contraceptives are concerned, you can choose either progestin-only pills or combined pills comprising oestrogen and progestin. Both methods of contraception are known as hormonal contraception. But you should always talk to your doctor before using any emergency birth control pills.

Familiar choice – ellaOne

In case you are looking for a contraceptive pill which you can trust as your second line of defense, it is always advisable to go for the one which many women have already chosen. ellaOne is one of the safest emergency contraceptive pills available in the UK now. It has an impressive success rate. It is estimated that 98 out of 100 women do succeed in avoiding pregnancies with ellaOne. But it must be taken within 120 hours from unprotected sex.

ellaOne is a progestin-only pill, containing ulipristal acetate as the active ingredient. The active ingredient of ellaOne is a synthetic version of a female sex hormone called progesterone. It stops the ovaries from releasing eggs and in doing so, prevents pregnancy. The pill is available in the strength of 30mg.

Levonelle – Be 'One Step' ahead with the 'morning after pill'

Another popular choice in the UK, Levonelle One Step is also called the 'morning after pill' because of its dosing schedule. You need to take the pill within 72 hours from unprotected intercourse. But in order to minimise the risk of pregnancy, you should take it immediately after sex. Studies show that Levonelle has been 95% effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies when taken within 24 hours from sex. This contraceptive drug has levonorgestral as its active ingredient. It works by preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs and also by altering the natural lining of the wombs. The medicine is available in the strength of 1500mcg.


Emergency birth control pills neither protect you against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), nor do they terminate pregnancies. So it is always advisable to use condoms as the primary line of defence. Similarly, if you are already pregnant, emergency contraceptives won't help you in terminating the pregnancy.

You should not breastfeed immediately after taking ellaOne. Wait for at least 36 hours before you breastfeed again. While taking Levonelle, watch out for allergic reactions with levonorgestral. You should not take the morning after pill if you have liver problems. Tell your doctor in case you are taking any other medications for conditions such as epilepsy or any bacterial infections. If your next period gets delayed by more than a week, get a pregnancy test done.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder and its cure

Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is a condition wherein a woman loses interest in sex or is unable to get sexual pleasure, for reasons ranging from just tiredness to hormonal changes. FSD can strike anytime, but in majority of cases, women nearing menopause are the worst sufferers. FSD is considered to be a hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) when the former condition lasts for so long that the woman actually suffers from depression or guilt about her inability to please her sexual partner. 

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder – Causes
The causes of HSDD are usually more grim than that of FSD. When it comes to FSD, depression is not so prominent in the woman who suffers from it. But with HSDD, distress over lack of interest in sex and sexual performance overwhelms a woman, often causing relationship crisis.

The causes of
hypoactive sexual desire disorder are varied, ranging from low levels of testosterone to psychiatric problems. As the problem is often developed from FSD, the testosterone therapy is considered to be helpful in artificially increasing a woman's sexual desire.

Testosterone patches for reigniting the fire
When you are low on sexual desire and you do not have any mental or physical health problem, there is a fair chance that you have low levels of testosterone in your body. Testosterone is the hormone which regulates sexual desire and performance. There is a common misconception that testosterone is exclusive to males. But women also have the hormone in smaller volumes. Amount of testosterone in the body starts reducing with age. As a result, you may start finding sex as boring. Mood swings and lack of motivation are very common in women with a low testosterone level.

Surgical removal of ovaries and/or uterus can cause the levels of testosterone to drop. Women with surgically induced menopause often experience a sudden drop in sexual desire. This is when you need treatment. You can seek medical help to artificially increase testosterone levels in your body to get back your hunger for sex.

Testosterone patches
Some years back, it was almost an unthinkable proposition that anything can be done to increase a woman's sexual desire. But Intrinsa testosterone patches changed it all in 2007.

Intrinsa patch – The Viagra for women
Often compared to the male impotence pill Viagra, Intrinsa contains testosterone as the active ingredient. It delivers the hormone to the bloodstream through the skin and helps in boosting your sexual desire. The patch is meant to be worn around the waist and lower abdomen. Each patch can deliver 300mg of testosterone transdermally. The patches help you make up for the reduction in testosterone levels as you age. Similarly, when your ovaries or uterus are removed, the patches supply testosterone and help keep your sexual desire alive.

You should wear a testosterone patch for 3-4 days at a stretch. Wear it on a clean, dry area in your skin. You will experience the effects within a month, sometimes a bit more. Talk to your doctor immediately if you suffer from any skin condition.

Monday, November 8, 2010

If bald is not beautiful for you

The condition of hairlessness is very common among men of all ages. While baldness is romanticised a lot in films and other forms of art, the reality is that no man feels exulted when his scalp goes shiny. Among all types of hair fall that men experience, male pattern baldness affects most men. But there is nothing to feel devastated about it and you are not the only one with this problem anyway. Studies show that male pattern hair loss affects approximately half the male population by the time they reach the age of 50. And many of them do not even get a clue that they are losing hair until much of it is gone. But the heartening thing is that with proper and timely treatment, you can not just stop hair from falling off, but can also get some of your lost hair back.

Stages of male hair loss

Unlike random hair fall, male pattern baldness follows a typical pattern. With the help of patient surveys and clinical observations, experts have reached a general consensus about the different phases of hair loss:
  • Phase 1: The hairline starts to recede.
  • Phase 2: The anterior part of the head gets exposed, followed by disappearance of hair from a very small region at the vertex.
  • Phase 3: Similar to the previous phase, only the rate of disappearance accelerates.
  • Phase 4: The receding hairline is about to meet the the hairless region at the vertex, which is also expanding.
  • Phase 5: Phase 4 culminates, causing a bald scalp with very thin covering of hair on either side of the vertex.

Even if you want, you may not be able to prevent the first 2 phases of male pattern baldness. This is because by the time you will come to know about your hair loss, much of it will be gone. But what you can do is talk to your doctor to prevent further damage. Unlike many other losses, hair loss is not irreparable and with finasteride, you will notice significant improvement in just about 3 months.

Propecia finasteride for prevention of male pattern baldness

This FDA-approved once a day pill is intended to treat male pattern baldness. Propecia is the brand name for finasteride, the active ingredient in this drug. Finasteride helps reduce a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Experts believe that DHT is responsible for male pattern hair loss, along with genetic factors. DHT triggers hair fall by causing the hair follicles to contract and preventing hair from coming out of the contracted follicles. What finasteride does is it blocks the production of DHT and in doing so, keeps the hair follicles from contracting.

You are the one to mind your head!

Hair loss can affect some men negatively, causing distress and poor body image. On the other hand, some men live just fine with a shiny scalp. So it is not compulsory to treat male pattern baldness. You are in the best position to decide what you need to do. It is advisable that you should talk to your doctor first and discuss your problem frankly.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Unravel the truth about male pattern hair loss

Male hair loss is an unfortunate and extremely demoralising problem which many young men face just as they are about to venture into the realms of socialising. Male pattern baldness causes more concern that other types of hair loss. For many men, it usually starts at an early age, sometimes during the late twenties, and continues for more than 20-25 years. Hair loss can be fairly rapid, causing guys to go bald in as little as 5 years. But the good news is that the condition can be treated successfully and with timely and effective treatment, it is even possible to trigger hair regrowth. But sadly, people are fed with tons of incomplete and wrong information about hair loss. Here are 5 commonest misconceptions that are embedded in most people's mind.

Hair loss is a maternal inheritance

Male pattern baldness, which is caused by a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is mainly a genetic problem. So there is no reason to spare the father! If anybody from your father's family ever suffered from the problem, you may also pick it up.

Wearing a hat may trigger pattern hair loss

Many men like to put on hats or fancy headgears. For them this myth sounds really scary. The truth is unless you wear a hat so tight that it cuts off circulation to the hair follicles, you won't go bald.

Cut and shave more to make it thicker

When you cut hair from your scalp, it only appears that you get a thicker look on the top! But in reality, nothing of that sort happens. Frequent shaving too does nothing in favour of hair growth on the head.

Sometimes I see hairs coming off while combing. This is a sign of male pattern baldness.

On an average basis, a normal person with no testosterone-dihydrotestosterone problem may experience hair fall. It is estimated that about 100 hairs come off every day. So occasional stray hairs on your comb should not bother you at all.

Genetic hair loss is not treatable

This is another gross misconception. There are trusted and 100% safe non-surgical means to prevent hair fall and even to restore your full-grown look. Propecia finasteride is one of the most sought after drugs when it comes to prevention and renewal of hair growth.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 tips on how to get the best out of Viagra

Viagra is one power-packed pellet of potency that has made impotence treatment easier and more effective than ever.

While its popularity is skyrocketing everyday, misconceptions are also mounting. Here are 5 tips on how to maximize the benefits of Viagra.

Tip 1: Take the tablet at least 30 minutes before sex. It will give you enough time to indulge in foreplay or other means to get aroused and be ready for intercourse.

Tip 2: The blue pill works best when taken on an empty stomach or with a meal which is low in fat. Fat may inhibit absorption of the drug into the system. Even if you cannot avoid a fatty meal, make sure you have it 2 hours before taking the medicine.

Tip 3: Do not panic if you are not successful at your first or second attempt. For most men with erectile dysfunction, Viagra works right away. But in case it does not, you may need to relax a bit mentally. Taking your mind off sex for some time may help. If this too doesn't help, talk to your doctor. A little adjustment in the dosage may solve your problem.

Tip 4: Do not hurry as if it is the end of the world. Take your time and build the mood both for yourself and your partner. You have 4 hours to enjoy sex, so start kindling the fire slowly and rest assured, you will have your partner caught in heat of the moment very shortly.

Tip 5: It sometimes helps to even ignore that you are on Viagra, because if you become too self-conscious about the medicine, your emotional involvement may not be at its best.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How to prevent male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness, medically known as androgenic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss experienced by men. The term 'pattern baldness' indicates a specific type of male hair loss – first hairline starts to recede from the crown, which is followed by disappearance of hair from the mid-anterior region of the scalp. This type of hair fall is triggered by androgenic hormones. An individual can suffer from it any time – be it in his twenties or fifties. But the condition is preventable with medicines such as Propecia finasteride, which, if used as prescribed, can in fact encourage hair regrowth.

What causes hair to fall off?

An androgenic hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is responsible for male pattern baldness. Actually the normal growth rate of hair is an inch in every couple of months or so. This rate continues for about 2-6 years, after which hair no longer grows and comes off. Each hair is rooted in a follicle, which contracts over time, slowing hair growth. Shrinking of follicles also makes hair thinner. The end result is a shrunk follicle without any hair rooted in it.

According to experts, when a man has male pattern baldness, his follicles become genetically sensitive to androgenic hormones. As a result of this, the follicles no longer respond to the hormones and hair starts to fall off. So to prevent the problem, it is important to use a medicine that can keep the follicles alive. Propecia has finasteride as its active ingredient, which is a synthetic anti-androgen. It reduces androgenic hormones and in doing so, prevent male pattern baldness and even encourages new hair growth.

What does Propecia do to prevent male hair loss?

Manufactured by Merck and Co., Inc., Propecia is an FDA-approved prescription only medicine. It is basically a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor which can prevent the hair follicles from getting exposed to the DHT hormones. This makes sure the hair follicles stay alive and capable of producing new hair. But for the medicine to work effectively, you need to use it for about 3 months at a stretch. Only then you will notice any significant change on your scalp. But do not stop taking the medicine as soon as you see the positive results. You should complete the course to get long-term benefits of the treatment.

Is Propecia safe for all?

Propecia is only indicated for men. It does not work for women suffering from any kind of hair loss problem. Pregnant or expecting women shouldn't even handle the pill if its crushed or broken, as it may affect the foetus. Keep the drug away from children's reach.

Can men prevent pattern hair loss without medical assistance?

Studies have so far unearthed that mostly genetic factors cause androgenic alopecia or pattern hair loss. So it is not possible to prevent it without treatment. Similarly, do not get alarmed if you see a few stray hairs on your comb occasionally. All types of hair loss is not genetic and you can prevent non-genetic hair fall by making a few small adjustments in your hair care regime.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What you can do and do without when you're on a slimming regime

Weight loss programs are tried and tested ways to achieve long-term weight loss goals and remain healthy. But overweight or obese people are often fed with incomplete or wrong information about how to go about their slimming regimes. Resultantly, they end up putting more weight and developing other health conditions. Relying solely on slimming pills to lose weight and cutting down on diet in an irrational manner may do you more harm than good when you are under obesity treatment. Let us cast light on some do's and don'ts while you're on a weight loss program.

Do take a diet that works best for you

Everyone's body is different and there is no rule of thumb to know for sure how your body is going to react to certain food. So it's up to you to know which type of food you like and most importantly, your body can accept without rebelling.

Do stick to your diet

When you're prescribed a low-calorie diet by your physician, it takes time for your body to get accustomed to the new food. Also, if you're taking weight loss pills such as Xenical, there is a fair chance that your slimming program will take at least 90 days before you see any significant reduction in your BMI, body fat or waist circumference.

Do take your new diet as a permanent solution to your weight-related problem

Hopping across various types of diets is not recommended when you're on a weight loss program. It's like needlessly blowing hot and cold when all you need is a steady, nutritious diet coupled with regular exercise and weight loss pills, if any.      

Do take veg 'filler' foods

Vegetables that do not contain starch are perfect when you're on a slimming program. They are low-calorie food with plenty of water and fibre. Baby carrots, cauliflower leaves and green beans are recommended in particular.

Don't snack between principal meals

This is a strict no-no if you're serious about losing weight. Most snacks and junk foods contain a very high percentage of fat and carbohydrates and you won't do yourself any good if you keep on munching potato chips and cheeseburgers all the time.

Don't deprive yourself of sleep

The most basic things about life are simple. If you don't get adequate sleep, production of a hormone called ghrelin increases, making you feel more hungry. Lack of sleep can also make you feel irritated and tired, which effectively takes away your focus from things you should be thinking about on priority basis. And when that happens, chances are very high that you'll be drawn into eating to compensate for your intellectual or spiritual deficits.

Don't use exercise as an excuse to eating more

You may walk, run, swim, or dance, but none of them will fetch you any benefit if you can't resist the temptation to go on frequent binges.    

Don't eat when you're not hungry

Hunger is the best cuisine and amen to that. Many people have a tendency to eat when they feel unhappy, angry or bored. Emotional eating violates the body's natural requirement. So learn to distinguish between craving and hunger. Also, avoid peers who always eat no matter what the occasion is. You may find it difficult to not eat when you are in their company.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Is there something fishy about your diet pills?

  • Are there any good diet pills? - Yes.
  • Are there any pills that don't work? - Absolutely yes.
  • Can weight loss pills be dangerous? - Quite a few, yes.

Diet pills can be over the counter pills or prescription pills and more often than not they fall in the last two categories. Either they don't work or they are useless and dangerous. The advertisements and mass emails of pills that flood your spam folder are the ones that you should be careful about. What your instincts tell you about these pills is right and there is definitely something fishy about them. You will never find a genuine diet pill in your spam box.

Watch out for shady pills

Spam emails are illegal and punishable in most countries; the fact that the companies have to market their products by such means speaks volumes about the effectiveness of their product and their business ethics. Sometimes, fake pills trading on the name of prescription pills are also sold on the market. If you come across spam emails of popular prescription pills like Xenical orlistat, you must stay away from that particular website. Websites that offer Xenical orlistat on discount or generic orlistat pills might be selling fake pills under the name of Xenical.

Make sure you find a reputed website before you buy any pills. Avoid scams like the plague. The pills that are marketed thus can not only affect your pocket but also cause serious problems such as heart failure, renal failure, stroke, convulsions, addiction, anxiety and depression. If you suspect even a little that your diet pills are not safe, talk to a doctor, do some research online and only then proceed to buy them.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

4 health mistakes responsible for weight problems

Do you skip breakfast, avoid lifting weights and survive on protein shakes? If so, you are one of the many smart, health-conscious people who are misguided by so-called experts. Skimping or avoiding day's first 'much-needed'  meal or surviving on nutritious shakes will neither help you to lose weight nor allow you be remain healthy and fit.

If you are making the 4 stupid health mistakes mentioned below, it's time to wise up. Here's a lowdown on mistakes that even the smartest of people are making:

Skipping breakfast

People have a misconception that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. But actually, when you wake up, you need food to get your metabolism rate back to normal. If you don't eat in the mornings, your energy level will go down and you will end up consuming more calories throughout the day to compensate that loss. Oatmeal, fruit smoothies and vegetable juices can be prepared in less than 10 minutes, so now you don't have any excuse to skip the first important meal of the day.

Not lifting the weights

Many overweight people, especially women, don't lift weights because they think that it will add bulk to their frame. Lifting weights won't make you beefy. Any resistance training programme will cause a bit of weight gain at the start, but soon you will lose all the fat and only have muscle weight. Include weight lifting in your workout routine and get a more trimmed and toned you. Also, weight lifting boosts your metabolism, which again helps you to lose weight.

Surviving on shakes

If you almost always replace your meals with health shakes, smoothies and juices, you might be putting your health in jeopardy by not taking all nutrients necessary for body. If you don't cut back on food and still have these liquid fixes, you might be consuming more than 1000 extra calories a day. In both cases, you are inviting weight problems. The safest route is to restrict your smoothies, coffee and sodas to once a week.

Relying completely on slimming pills

A lot of people take slimming pills to lose weight, which is not wrong; what is wrong that some of them rely totally on these pills to lose weight. You just can't sit back and expect slimming pills to do all the work. Whether you take slimming pills available over the counter or buy prescription medications like Xenical orlistat, one thing that remains constant is that they won't help you unless you help yourself. Wise up, stay active, hit the gym and control your calorie intake – only then Xenical orlistat or any other pills can help you.