Friday, April 8, 2011

How long women can stay on contraceptive pills?

With effective and safe birth control alternatives, today well-planned parenthood has become a lot easier. Out of all available options, birth control pills remain the most preferred option worldwide. Accidents do happen and you find yourself in the need for an emergency contraception. This is where morning-after pill comes to rescue.

The simple science behind working of these pills involves two hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone which hinders with the normal ovulation process. This prevents fertilisation and release of the egg from the ovaries.

It is the flexibility of usage of these pills that makes it so popular among women. Its usage can be continued or discontinued based on individual demand. Moreover, no medical opinion is required to do so. Apart from its popularity, there are lots of doubts and apprehension lingering in the mind of most women. Some of the most common concerns are regarding continuance and discontinuance of the birth control pills. Let’s bust some of the myths and discuss facts.

  1. Once in a while you should take a break from the contraceptive pills. There is no need for a woman to take a break from taking these pills unless and until she wants to be pregnant. However taking a break can increase her chance to get conceived. Apart from conception, these pills have other health benefits also. Endometriosis can also be treated with birth control pills. Oral contraceptives have been found to reduce the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.
  2. Fertility is affected by long term pill use. There is no connection between fertility and the usage of oral pills. Most women may face a delay in conceiving after discontinuing the pills and thereby confusing pill usage as the cause of it.
  3. Pill makes you gain weight. It is one of the common myths. The progestin hormone present in pill increases appetite, which can result in weight gain. Women feel bloated due to oestrogen, which goes away with time.
  4. Pill causes cancer. On the contrary, some doctors advise that all women should take pill for at least 5 years for ovarian cancer protection. The chances of developing ovarian cysts greatly reduce as these pills prevent ovulation.
  5. It is risky to take the pill after 40. These pills can be taken until menopause. Unless and until you are suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes taking birth control pill is not related to your age.
  6. Pill protects against STDs. Birth control pills offer no protection against STDs. It is always best to use condom to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Dental dams can be used for oral sex.
  7. All pills are the same. In the market different brands of contraceptive pills are available. They are categorised under two types, one is Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills, which is combination of oestrogen and progestin. The other is Progestin-Only Pills (POP) or mini-pills that contain progestin but not oestrogen.
Emergency contraceptive pills

These pills can be taken only when you feel your contraception has failed or you had unprotected sex. Emergency contraceptive pills available on the market today work for up to 3-5 days after sex. Levonelle 1500 is one such pill which is effective for about 72 hours. ellaOne is another emergency contraceptive pill that is 98% effective in preventing pregnancy.

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